Godly Leaders
Contributed by Mark Elkins on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The church needs leaders that are willing to be Godly.
Asserting Leadership p. 312 Ill. Unl. Who’s the King of the Jungle?
Bosses and Leaders-
A boss creates fear, a leader creates confidence. Bossism creates resentment, leadership breeds enthusiasm. A boss says, “I”, a leaders says, “We”. A bosses fixes blame, a leader fixes mistakes. A boss knows how, a leader shows how. Bossism makes work drudgery, leadership makes work interesting. A boss relies on authority, a leader relies on cooperation. A boss drives, a leader leads.
I. Godly leaders avoid popular opinions.
A. Godly Leaders should not be influenced by people. Everyone has a right or are entitled to their own opinion. That doesn’t make them right with God! Israel didn’t want to follow Moses. They complained about the water, food, etc.
B. Godly Leaders shouldn’t be influenced by politics. They were speaking to the leaders of their day. Can you imagine being before Maiden, or Ernie Fletcher and saying, “you have the right to believe what you want, but I am not buying it!”
II. Godly leaders speak what they have seen.
They saw Christ! They walked with Him. They touched Him. 1Jn. 1:1. They spent time with Jesus- Acts 4:13.
We need leaders who are willing to spend time with Jesus.
We need leaders who are willing to look for Jesus in their day. (I saw Jesus baking a cake) We need to discover what He looks like. We are like to two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:13)
We need leaders who are willing to speak what they have seen! When the two on the Emmaus road identified Jesus, they went and told the others. Peter and John were identified with Jesus. They spoke from their boldness! We need to see Jesus and speak with that kind of boldness. It only comes from seeing Jesus. Don’t rob others from what you see. We need watchmen.. Is. 62:6; If we don’t speak what we say then- Ez. 33:6-7.
Men in particular will mow down the ones that they love because of their drive to accomplish their goal. We mistakenly put our own family, the ones that we love the most and that love us the most, on the altar and sacrifice them to the god of our goal. This is not what God requires. He doesn’t require sacrifice, but a broken and contrite heart Ps. 51. We need the wisdom of Solomon. Two mothers approached Solomon with a child. The debate was “whose child is it?” Solomon took the child and said I will cut him in half, you get half and you get the other half. The mother, who truly loved the child, willingly let the child go so that he could live. Solomon recognized the true mother by her love. God will recognize the true Godly leaders by the those that are willing NOT to sacrifice their families for the task, but to choose to see Him in their midst, by faith choose to believe that He will complete the work that He started without sacrificing our loved ones!
III. Godly leaders speak what they have heard.
Even though they had the opportunity to speak face to face with Jesus. This is a continuing conversation. This is present tense. We are still hearing Him.
We need leaders willing to “Be still” and hear the voice of God. The Still Small Voice! The voice in the wilderness! (John the Baptist) The voice that directs our paths. (Prov. 3:5).
We need leaders that after they have heard from the Lord they cannot be shut up! (23-24) Jesus said Mt. 10:27-28!
The rocks ain’t gonna cry out. (Lk. 19:40)
Do you need to repent of keeping quiet? Do you need to repent from allowing others to keep you from doing what God has called you to do? Is God asking you to be His leader? Will you?