
Summary: Israel was to be God’s treasure-but failed; the Church has now come to be that "peculiar treasure."

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A. Peculiar.

B. Priceless.

C. Procured.


A. Protected.

B. Polished.

C. Presentable.


A. Proximity.

B. Prosperity.

C. Perpetual.

The old word, “peculiar” here is not what it used to mean. Today the meaning is, “odd, weird” or something to be looked at with askance. However, in the old King James version, the word, “Peculiar” meant, “something special.” And this was exactly what God wanted Israel to be-something special, set apart, only claimed by God and no one else. That is why God said to Israel, you are to be my special treasure.

Taking this thought a bit further, the concept of a treasure is one that yields great peace and calmness when viewed from a Biblical viewpoint.

I see three things about a Special Treasure in this verse as it applies to Israel and to we who are called of God to follow Him today. The first thing about a Special Treasure regards the POSSESSION of it. The next thing I note is that special PRECAUTION has to be taken with any Special Treasure. Finally, I see the PLACE of that Special Treasure in one’s possession.

* POSSESION: For any treasure to be special and to be called a “treasure” it has to be possessed. This is exactly what Israel was to God; it was His POSSESSION.

First I see that this Treasure was a Peculiar treasure. It was unlike any other Treasure that God had-it was an entire nation. Treasures are usually called a treasure due to the fact that they are one of a kind or they are one of a very limited thing. In the instance of Israel, it was a nation that stood all by itself as being called “God’s Treasure-His Peculiar Treasure.”

Next, I see that a treasure is usually Priceless. There might be a monetary value to it but the owner would not take any amount of money for his Possession-it is beyond monetary value. Such was the case with this “Peculiar Treasure” of God: it was Priceless.

Then for a treasure to be held in the Possession of the owner, it had to be Procured in some manner or other. The treasure could have been purchased, it could have been passed on from generation to another and/or it could have been found. In this instance, God’s Peculiar Treasure was Procured by the direct intervention of Himself. Likewise, all who come to believe in Him are Procured through the shedding of the Blood of Christ. He has Procured us, He has Purchased us by His death. Today, even though Israel is still God’s Peculiar Treasure, we who are redeemed by the Blood of Christ are His Priceless, Peculiar Treasure, Procured by the redemption of Jesus.

** PRECUATION: For any treasure to be of value it has to be protected; several PRECAUTIONS have to be taken to insure the safety of such a priceless item.

The first Precaution I note is that all treasures have to be Protected. If the item is priceless-it has to have Protection from any one who would attempt to steal it. This is exactly what God did for His Peculiar Treasure-He Protected it. He brought it out of Egypt; He gave it Protection from the Egyptians; He gave it Protection from the heat of the day, and from the cool of the evening. He also Protected if from dying of hunger by giving it food; He Protected if from dying of thirst by giving it water; He Protected it from annihilation by defeating the Amalikites and now He is Protecting it for Himself from all those who would snatch it from His hand. Likewise, He still Protects His Church by keeping us safe in the hallow of His hand. We are His Peculiar treasure and He takes great pains to protect His treasure.

Another point of interest in one taking great Precaution of one’s treasure is the fact that often the treasure has to be Polished to keep it presentable. If the item does not need to be Polished, it still needs to be cleaned and made presentable for its continued value sake. God had a way of “polishing” His Peculiar Treasure with the nation of Israel. He still does have ways of “Polishing” His Peculiar Treasure-those whom He calls His “Peculiar Treasure.” Sometimes He Polishes us by trials, griefs, and troubles. Other times He Polishes us by blessings-undeserved blessings. But, for the sake of the treasure-it has to have regular “maintenance” to keep its value. Some times the method God uses can be harsh, but He needs to rub and to cleanse away the dirt of the world and make us a fit vessel for His House.

Likewise, another valuable part of the Precaution of a valued treasure is that it has to be Presentable for certain situations. What good is a treasure if it is always hidden? No, the owner must keep the treasure in “tip-top” shape so that he can bring it out for display to the world. Such was the case here. Israel was God’s Peculiar Treasure and He was Polishing it because He wanted it to look nice for its Presentation in the Promise Land. God still does the same with his Church. He Protects it, He Polishes it and He is getting ready to Present it to the world always as His Peculiar Treasure.

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