
Summary: God is long suffering in His mercy but (as we noted what was about to happen in Egypt) there is a limit to God’s patience!

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Although we continue to learn from Exodus 11 today, we celebrate Mother’s Day and so let us start by noting the stages of motherhood. I thought I’d cheat on this and google the stages of motherhood but found many many discussions about the stages of motherhood from the planning, to breastfeed or not breastfeed stage, all the way to dealing with “boomerang kids”!

Since the message is really not about motherhood, although there are applications, let me just share with you my male abbreviated version of motherhood: there’s the morning sickness and food cravings stage; the exciting “I have a bump in my tummy” stage; there’s the back pains stage; there’s the labor pains stage (I still remember the first time Elsa and I got a tour of labor delivery floor and a woman was just screaming like crazy); but then, there’s the “it’s all worth it” stage when the baby finally comes out and snuggles with mom; then there’s the early feeding times and changing diapers; the crawling to walking stage; the basic teaching stage (our granddaughter Adria currently knows “I’m hungry…. And please!!!!); then there’s the “No!” stage…. let’s jump to the crying stage of dropping off the kid to school and helping them learn; then there’s the crying stage again when they leave home or go to college; there’s the dating stage; the getting married or remaining single stage; and finally their adulthood stage and mom and child are now friends! Wow Moms, that is a lot of work!!!! Salute to Moms…….

What does this all have to do with the message today? From our Scripture of the Week…. Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:” In other words, while we are here on earth, there is a schedule. Keep this in mind as we read our passage; open your Bibles to Exodus 11…… Read along with me…..

And so, God lays out the schedule for the Israelites and Pharaoh.

v1: God promised one more plague on Egypt then Pharaoh would let the Israelites go willingly!

In v2-3: we note the Egyptians were impressed with the Israelites especially with Moses. Who were the Egyptians actually at awe with?? Through Moses, The Egyptians took note of the power of God!

v4-6: From God, Moses explained the last plague on Egypt!

v7: God again revealed how He will treat Unbelievers compared to Believers. God judges and God protects when the right time comes!

Now, maybe like me, when you read verse 8, you can get upset at Moses for being so angry. But let’s take a closer look… Who was Moses talking to?? - Moses was speaking to Pharaoh!

What was about to happen in the last plague?? – There would be death to many children! Can we blame Pharaoh’s Officials? Pharaoh’s officials have been urging Pharaoh to give in! To whom and why was Moses angry with then?

v8: Moses was so mad about what Pharaoh allowed to happen! Moses was emoting righteous anger! There is such a thing as righteous anger! Remember when God flooded the earth?

And what can we note in closing Exodus Chapter 11?

v9-10: Pharaoh remained stubborn in spite of the harsh judgment of death to children! Time was running out for Pharaoh but he remained prideful and unbelieving!

There is one main point we need to note from this passage. We have noted in the past that God is long suffering in His mercy but (as we noted what was about to happen in Egypt) there is a limit to God’s patience!

How do we apply this truth to our lives today?

We are living in a time of grace but eventually God will judge all unbelievers and the signs of the times indicate imminency (Jesus Christ can come back to earth soon)! What does this mean to us?

First of all, our lives on earth are on a schedule and only God knows when time is up for each one of us. It could be today for anyone of us!

1. If Jesus Christ showed up today, will He find you a Believer of Him or be judged for eternity? Today is the day to believe in Jesus Christ as your Only Savior and Lord if you have never done so before! God tells us in Hebrews 9:27 “Jsust as people are destined to die once and after that to face judgment.

And since the return of Jesus is imminent,

2. There is urgency in sharing the Gospel today! God kept telling Moses to go to Pharaoh and share the truth; God is calling you and me, at the right opportunity, to tell those around us about Jesus Christ! Today’s acronym is P-O-S (Pray-Observe-Share the Truth)

And God is full of grace but He is also a Holy God who must judge sin. Pharaoh’s ultimate downfall was his pride; Pharaoh refused to bow down to God and the consequences were fatal!

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