
God's Endless Supply

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Is your God sufficient for your every need? My God is! God is all sufficient in every need that we will have.


The All-Sufficient God

Today, I want to talk to you about the all-sufficiency of God. When we say that God is all-sufficient, we mean that He is able to meet all of our needs. No matter what happens to us, we can trust that God will take care of us. He has been doing so for thousands of years, and He will continue to do so.

God's Sufficiency for Salvation

Let's look at some examples from the Bible that demonstrate God's all-sufficiency. First, we see that God is sufficient for our salvation. In Genesis, after Adam and Eve sinned, God provided them with clothes made from animal skins to cover their nakedness. This act foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, where His blood would cover our sins and provide salvation.

Another example is the apostle Paul, who was once a persecutor of Christians. But when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, he experienced a radical transformation and became a follower of Christ. Paul recognized his own sinfulness and acknowledged that he obtained mercy from God. This shows us that God's grace is sufficient for our salvation, no matter how great our sins may be.

God's Sufficiency for Material Needs

Next, we see that God is sufficient for our material needs. In the Old Testament, God provided for the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. He gave them food, water, and clothing for forty years. He also took care of Elijah by sending ravens to bring him food when he was in need.

In the New Testament, we see Jesus feeding a multitude of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish. This miracle demonstrates that God can provide for our physical needs abundantly. We can trust Him to take care of us in times of financial difficulty or scarcity.

God's Sufficiency in Times of Trouble and Danger

God is also sufficient in times of trouble and danger. Throughout the Bible, we see numerous examples of God's protection and deliverance. He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, allowing them to escape from the pursuing Egyptians. He shut the mouths of lions when Daniel was thrown into the den. He even made the sun stand still for Joshua during a battle.

In the New Testament, we see Peter walking on water towards Jesus. When Peter began to sink due to fear and doubt, Jesus immediately reached out and saved him. This shows us that God is with us in our times of trouble and will rescue us when we call upon Him.

God's Sufficiency in Times of Temptation and Testing

Lastly, God is sufficient in times of temptation and testing. The apostle Paul experienced a thorn in the flesh, which caused him great distress. He pleaded with God to remove it, but God responded by saying, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." This reminds us that God's grace is enough to sustain us through any trial or temptation we may face.


In conclusion, we can confidently say that God is all-sufficient. He is able to meet all of our needs, whether they be spiritual, physical, or emotional. We can trust Him to provide for us, protect us, and guide us through every situation. Let us put our faith in Him and rely on His all-sufficiency in our lives.

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