
God's Calling

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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We are all called by God to salvation and service, but we must learn to hear and answer His call amidst the interference in our lives.

God's Calling

Youth Group Plan: God's Calling (1 Samuel 3:1-10, 1 Corinthians 12:7)

Youth Sermon: God's Calling


Hey! Welcome! We're going to dive into some cool stories about Samuel and David and see what they can teach us about God's call in our lives.

A.W. Tozer once said, 'God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we only plan things we can do ourselves.' So, let's get ready to listen and respond to God's call, no matter how crazy it might seem.

Today, we're going to chat about how to hear God's call, get rid of stuff that's in our way, and why our friends are super important in figuring out His call.

God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we only plan things we can do ourselves.

Hearing God's Call

So, Samuel was just a kid, right? And he didn't recognize God's voice because he hadn't learned to yet. We've got stuff in our lives that can stop us from hearing and responding to God's call too. We've got to clear that stuff out!

Things like distractions, being too busy, sin, and not being mature in our faith can mess with hearing God's call. We've got to figure out what's in our way and get rid of it so we can hear God better.

Let's do a quick object lesson. I've got a radio here. (Hold up a radio.) When you're trying to tune into a station, but there's too much static, you can't hear the music, right? That's like our lives. The static is all the distractions and busyness. We need to tune into God's frequency to hear His call.

Now, to answer God's call, we need to know His voice and tell it apart from other voices. We can do this by spending time in prayer and quiet.

We also need to tell God's voice apart from the enemy's lies. We do this by filling our minds with God's Word and standing up to the enemy's tricks.

We've got to be ready to do what God calls us to do, even when it's tough. Samuel did what God told him to, even though it was hard. We need to be ready to do the same.

The Importance of Friends

But we're not in this alone.

We need our friends to help us figure out God's call. Just like Eli helped Samuel, our friends can give us wisdom, support, and encouragement.

Our friends also keep us accountable and help us stay on track. We need each other to stay on the path God has for us.

And being part of a group helps us grow in our faith. We learn from each other's experiences and perspectives, helping us understand what God wants for our lives.

So, let's not get bummed out by all the noise and distractions. Let's lean on each other and be open to what God's trying to tell us.

Remember, God's given us all gifts. Together, we can make a big difference in the world for Jesus.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some obstacles that prevent you from hearing God's call?

2. How can you remove these obstacles?

3. How can you distinguish God's voice from other voices?

4. How can our community help us discern God's call?

5. What does it mean to obey God's call, even when it's difficult?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Whispers and Shouts

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