
Summary: Reading the twenty-third psalm can be misleading if we only open our ears to verse one. "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want". However, we must understand that the Lord, as our Shepherd, requires complete authority over the sheep. He must be in total

1. I need His presence (He makes me to lie down in green pasture)

This can only happen when I am in His presence.

He's an interesting point about sheep being made to lie down. Sheep are very skittish animals. They are very

Nervous and have to reach a high level of comfort before they can relax. You can't just say lie down. They have

To be free from fear, tension, hunger, and aggravation. That's why the shepherd must have complete authority

Over the sheep. "He makes me" does not mean that we don't have a choice. We can fight back if we wish, but

But who would want to do that?

2. I need His protection (He leads me beside still water) He protects me from the force of raging waters.

Raging waters Like raging sins may destroy me. Still water is sways there when I am in his presence.

3. I need His provision ( He restores my soul) give the Lord authority over your life today.

Consider this. When God has Authority over your life you can count on His promises to His sheep.

In His presence whatever you need God for He is there.

I'm tired, He restores my soul.

I'm lonely, he restores my soul.

I'm hurting, He restores my soul.

I need healing, He restores my soul.

I'm uncertain, He restores my soul.

I need help, He restores my soul.

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By: Derrick Tuper

You viewed this on Thursday, March 27
