
Summary: To the world that nailed Him to a cross, He will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He came once as a Lamb, but He will return as a Lion. Once as a Savior, He will come again as the Judge who will sit on His throne to judge the nations.

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Goats to the Left of Me and Sheep to the Right

Matthew 25:31-46

Matthew chapters 24 and 25, otherwise known as the Olivet Discourse, contain the most detailed description of events that are to occur in the future among the Lord’s recorded teachings. As the Lord and His disciples walked out of the temple, which at the time was still under construction, the disciples pointed out the various buildings and commented on their beauty.

Luke 21:5 (NASB95): "…some were talking about the temple, that it was adorned with beautiful stones and votive gifts..."

Jesus responded with His prophesy of the temple's destruction, telling them, Matthew 24:2 (NASB95): ..."Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down."

This statement was overheard by many and was later used by His enemies to justify condemning Him, but it also piqued the disciples curiosity, so that after they made their way up the mount, Matthew 24:3 (NASB95): As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"

So, what we have in chapters 24 and 25 of Matthew is the Lord's detailed answer to the disciple's question. In Chapter 24, He spoke of the signs of His coming, warning them that false messiah's will come and try to deceive them. There would be wars, famines, earthquakes, and persecution of His followers culminating in a Great Tribulation and the appearance of the Son of Man returning in the clouds to gather His elect. Several times He warned His followers to watch and be ready because His coming would be at a time when everyone, even His own people, would least expect it.

In chapter 25 He began to illustrate the need to remain ready at all times by the use of three parables. The parable of the Ten Virgins which highlights the importance of being spiritually prepared. Then the parable of the Talents, which emphasizes using God-given resources wisely, and finally the parable of the Sheep and Goats which speaks to the coming day of the Judgment of the Nations.

Now strictly speaking, the Sheep and Goats isn't like other parables, and it is best understood as an eschatological teaching rather than a parable or a metaphor. This is because it describes the final judgment in a straightforward way, giving us a direct prophecy of what will happen when the Son of Man returns in glory.

And He will return, but no one knows the day or the hour. That is why we are encouraged to remain ready because when Jesus comes back there will be no time left to get ready! At His second coming, He will set up His kingdom and sit as judge over the nations. Evil will finally be exposed and punished. Righteousness will be revealed and rewarded, and Jesus will be vindicated in the place where He was rejected.

In our world today, evil is often hidden, and when it is not hidden, it is extolled, praised, and the evildoers themselves are most often rewarded and promoted. All we have to do is to open our emails, look at our Facebook or X accounts, and we see this very thing all over our country today. Look at what is happening with DOGE. Corruption, theft, misuse of public funds are being exposed left and right, but the most mind-boggling thing about it all is that so many are angry that it's all being exposed! Can you believe it?

Friends, there is a day coming when everyone will stand before the Judge. When that day comes, nothing will be overlooked, and everyone will be held accountable for what they've done, what they didn't do, and the true condition of their heart.

No longer will the people of the Lord be marginalized, forgotten, ridiculed, or persecuted. Those who have served others with hearts of compassion will be remembered by the Lord and rewarded for their efforts, and the Lord Jesus Christ will be vindicated. He who was despised and rejected, will return in glory and power. The Father will not allow the cross to be the world's final memory of His Son! He will return for His people. He will establish His kingdom.

To the world that nailed Him to a cross, He will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He came once as a Lamb, but He will return as a Lion. Once as a Savior, He will come again as the Judge who will sit on His throne to judge the nations.

I. The Sovereign Seated

Matthew 25:31-33 (NASB95): "But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left."

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