
Summary: I've often heard of people getting in shape for the summer months, what we need to to get ourselves in shape to serve the Lord

Get in Shape

II Timothy 2:15-25




     I often hear of people talking about “getting in shape”


            Strength training does not happen over-night

It comes from training

Strength training -muscles

Cardio training - heart and lungs

Either one requires “workouts”

I like the guy that said “round is a shape”

 What about spiritual shape

-It also requires training and exercise

   -It comes with daily workouts in the word.


                  Get a place


                  Get a plan

Get a purpose


Success requires two things — a decision and discipline


I. Study the word.  Vs 15

A. It’s important to read the Word, but we must also STUDY the

Word of God.

1. Approved or tested, much like getting a degree

2. So you can stand boldly for God - workman that needeth

not be ashamed.

3. Know how to handle the Word of God correctly.

B. It’s good to study together, but you must also find a way to

have a personal Bible study.

1. There are many helps.

2. There are many methods of study

a. Historical

b. Word study

c. Book study

d. Many


II. Stay away from foolish discussions – Vs.16-18, 23


      A. Godless chatter


      B. Gossip


      -Things are not taught in the Scripture

C. Silly arguments


III. Stand securely Vs 19


      A. You on a sure foundation


      -Matthew 7:24-27 (house on the sand etc.)

B. A foundation that cannot be shaken


IIII. Serve honorably. Vs 20-22


      A. God has equipped you to serve.

1. With honor

2. Separated (sanctified) for the Master’s use. Vs. 20


  B. God has prepared you.

C. Watch your step — your conduct.


      1. Flee youthful lusts. Vs. 22


2. Follow after..


            a. Righteousness (doing right)


            b. Faith


            c. Love


            d. Peace



Want to get in shape? 

I. Study the word.  Vs 15

II. Stay away from foolish discussions – Vs.16-18, 23


III. Stand securely Vs 19

IIII. Serve honorably. Vs 20-22



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