
Summary: A funeral message from Romans 8:18-39. Frances had a muscular disease that first took away her voice and then her strength.

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Funeral Service for Frances Simpson


- Express condolences and appreciation.

- Today is April Fools Day and how I wish this was all a joke but it is not. We come here to mourn the death of Frances Dorsett Simpson. No, that is a joke; we come here to celebrate the life of Frances Simpson as it was here on earth and as it goes on forever and ever.

- Reminds me of the lines of a song, “Death is just a door to the joy that is awaiting. Death is just a shadow into everlasting life. Death is often thought of as a very sad occasion, but for the child of God it is just a door to brand new life.”

- WE will miss her but she is far better off.

I want to begin by reading a large portion of Scripture: Romans 8:18-39.

Romans 8 is a grand chapter in the New Testament. It is rich with hope that we need today. It talks about how a life of faith makes all of the difference. We see this illustrated through the life that we celebrate this morning.

This morning I want to point out 6 things from these verses and also make some references to Frances from these.

1. There is No Charge against Us. VS. 33

A. WE find from the Bible, especially from the book of Job, that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. But Paul let’s us know, if God has justified us, God’s court is the highest of them all. What God has justified no one has the right to lay charges against.

B. Frances, through the influence of Bobby and Bobby’s mother, responded to Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior many years ago. She repented of her sins, confessed her need for Jesus Christ and was buried with Christ in baptism. This all began at Double Creek Church of Christ. Since that time, Frances has lived a life of faith and love for Jesus Christ as demonstrated through her actions. Because of this, no charge, no accusations can be laid on Frances. All of her sins are forgiven through Jesus Christ.

C. One time a group of Christians were discussing those who had passed on in the faith from their church. They mentioned this one and that one by name and came up with fond memories for each life. However, one man did the opposite. For each name mentioned he was able to find some crime, some flaw, some charge against them. As we think of Frances, I cannot think of any instance where a charge can be made against her. I know that Satan can find some things for all have sinned, but we would be hard pressed if we can even mention some charge against her. What a blessing that is!

D. Any charge that Satan or others can bring against her; these are all removed because of Jesus Christ.

2. There is no condemnation upon us (Vs. 34)

A. Look at what Jesus is doing for us! It makes it clear that we are no longer condemned. Christ died for our sins, rose for our justification, and sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us.

B. Those that have died to their old lives and now live for Christ have no condemnation hanging over them.

C. I know that Frances would encourage her family and friends to realize that for those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation. Encourage everyone in here to give their lives to Christ so that when the Day of Judgment comes, not one of them will be condemned.

D. I know that many of you, both family and friends, have no condemnation. I know that many of you were baptized into Christ at Double Creek and she would encourage all of you to live out that freedom from condemnation by serving and living for Jesus Christ.

3. There is no evil that happens to us. (Vs. 28)

A. God takes what seems to be so bad and brings out good.

B. The reason that I am preaching on these verses is because this was Frances favorite verse. We started a new feature in our church newsletter called, “Someone You Should Meet.” We ask this featured person several questions and we publish their answers. One of the first people we interviewed was Frances in November 2005. What is your favorite Bible verse? Romans 8:28.

C. Why would she say that? I don’t fully know but I have an idea. These past few years have been difficult health wise. The muscular disease was taking its toll. When I first came here, Frances was the sweetest woman, but through time she lost her voice. But let me tell you she has spoken volumes without that voice! When some do not come to church because of a bad ingrown toe nail, Frances would be here. She would always be here. Even though it was difficult she would be here. She was and is still a great encouragement and an example of how to handle a troubling situation like she was in.

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