
Fueling Your Inner Flame

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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We will explore Biblical teachings that inspire us to maintain our personal and communal spiritual fervor.


Today, we will explore the importance of keeping the fire burning in our personal lives and in our church. When people say, "That church is really on fire," or "That person is on fire for the Lord," it signifies a vibrant and passionate faith. Let's examine some Bible verses that encourage us to maintain this fervor in our lives and in our church.

Scripture Passage

Scripture Passage: Leviticus 6:9, 12-13 (NIV)

"Give Aaron and his sons this command: 'These are the regulations for the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the altar. The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.'"

Main Points

1. What does the fire represent?

Throughout the Old Testament, fire symbolizes the presence of Almighty God. We see this in Moses' encounter with the burning bush, the pillar of fire leading the Israelites, and the fire on Mount Sinai. Elijah also called down fire from heaven to demonstrate God's power. In the New Testament, fire represents the Holy Spirit, as seen at Pentecost. Ultimately, the fire represents God's presence among us.

2. Whose responsibility is it to keep the fire burning?

In Leviticus, it was the priest's responsibility to ensure that the fire on the altar did not go out. However, as New Testament Christians, we are all called to be priests. We are all responsible for carrying others to God through prayer and sharing His Word. Each one of us plays a vital role in keeping the fire burning in our lives and in our church.

3. How can we keep the fire burning?

We keep the fire burning through prayer, studying God's Word, and engaging in Christian service. Prayer allows us to communicate with God and grow closer to Him. Regularly spending time in His Word helps us hear from Him and stay connected. Christian service enables us to carry the fire to others, meeting their needs and sharing God's love.

4. Why should we keep the fire burning?

Firstly, God commands us to keep the fire burning because He knows what is best for us. Secondly, there are still people living in darkness who need the light of God's presence and love. We have a responsibility to share the fire with them. Lastly, we must keep the fire burning for future generations, including our children, grandchildren, and beyond. Our faithfulness can inspire and guide them on their own spiritual journeys.


Let us commit to keeping the fire burning in our lives and in our church. As we pray, study God's Word, and serve others, may our passion for God grow stronger. May our church be known as a place where the fire of the Holy Spirit is evident, drawing people to experience God's love and transforming power. Remember, it only takes a spark to ignite a fire. Let us be the spark that sets our church and community ablaze with the love of Christ.

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