
Summary: Based on Colossians 4:7-18 - Encourages hearers to be a godly friend & to have godly friends.

“FRIENDS” Colossians 4:7-18

FBCF – 8/25/24

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Do you have someone in your life that you can just be real with? Don’t have to pretend like you’re happy when you’re not…in a good mood when you’re not…talk when you don’t want to talk…it’s not awkward to just sit in silence with them if you want to or need to.

We all need those people in our lives w/ whom we can just be real – safe relationships – refreshing relationships – people who know all about us & love us anyway. Contest was held for best def of a friend – Some submissions:

- “One who multiplies joys, divides grief, & whose honesty is inviolable.”

- “One who understands our silence.”

- Winning def: “A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.”

Apostle Paul certainly needed those types of friends in his life. All the abuse he suffered at the hands of his persecutors, the struggles he had b/c of his strong stand for Christ, the worries & problems he dealt w/ in the churches he related to – Paul had plenty of places in his life where his energy could & would be drained out. I’m sure that, on more than one occasion, he felt the life being sucked right out of him. There were times when his actual physical life was in danger, times he was sick, times he was discouraged. Listen to 2 Corinthians 11:23b-28 – Does that sound like someone who needed the encouragement of some good friends in his life?

Different levels of friendship – acquaintance, casual friend, close friend, BFF. But there’s a HUGE need for REAL friendships w/in the Church. There should be an expectation that THIS would the right RIGHT place to find & build REAL friendships. Think about it: Every time I baptize someone: “I baptize you my BROTHER/SISTER in Christ…”

- Something very significant about the relationships we have w/ each other w/in the Church.

- These are eternal relationships, everlasting friendships.

- South Central Gate – Revelation 21:12-13 – “[The New Jerusalem] had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west.” – Party w/ our eternal friends forever!

- MWS got it right – “Friends are friends forever IF the Lord’s the Lord of them.”

Of all the places in the world where people can go to try & find & build authentic friendships, this ought to be the place where that happens – not in bars/clubs – not on social media – not in illicit, immoral relationships. People in this very room NEED for you to befriend them. And you need others to befriend you.

- Christian life not meant to be lived out in isolation

- Church is the BODY OF CHRIST – Members of the body are connected to each other.

- Church is FAMILY – Members of the family are related to each other.

- Church is an ARMY – Members of the army fight alongside each other. Have each other’s 6.

- Church is likened to ATHLETIC TEAM – Members of team work together toward the goal to win the game.

APPLICATION – Christ-followers need good friends & must BE a good friend.

Last passage in Colossians. Wrap up “Our Life in Christ” series. Practical points on how to be a good friend.

TALK ABOUT YOUR FRIEND – v. 7-8a – Obviously not talking about gossip. Gossip is one of most destructive, disunifying, UN-friendly actions we can do. Matthew12:36 – We “will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word we have spoken.” So, I’m definitely not telling you to gossip about your friend. Not much of a friend if you do that.

Instead of gossiping, what we SHOULD be doing is telling others about what God is doing in our friend’s life & what their needs are. Tychicus was a “beloved brother”, a “dear friend” (GNT) who shared about Paul’s life – “Tychicus will tell you all about my activities.”

Talk about your friend to others – Celebrate what God is doing in their lives – Don’t be jealous or envious – Lift them up to others & brag on the work of God in their lives.

A good friend will also talk about their friend when there’s a need in their life. Tychicus told others what was going on in Paul’s life & ministry – “I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are…” (v. 8a). And I’m confident that, in addition to telling others about Paul’s needs, Tychicus also worked to help meet those needs. That’s what a good friend does.

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