Fresh Fire: Supernatural Power Series
Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Are you experiencing the full power of the Holy Spirit in your life Are you limiting the flow of power to your life? Do you only allow a small trickle of power to flow? Are you willing to experience the full flow of Holy Spirit Power in your life?
Fresh Fire: Supernatural Power
We are at the end of our eleventh month in our Fresh Fire series. On the Holy Spirit.
11 months - doesn't seem possible does it?
Have you enjoyed the journey so far?
In January we considered: “the Spirit in the World Today”
February The Spirit in the Old Testament (Pentateuch)
March The Spirit in the History of Israel
April The Spirit in the Writing Prophets
May The Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Jesus
June The Spirit in the Teaching of Jesus
July The Spirit in the Book of Acts
August The Spirit in the Everyday Living
September The Spirit in the Ministry of Believers
October The Spirit in the Ministry of the Church
This month we have been hearing about “The Spirit in Supernatural Demonstrations”
And Next week we will move into our December Programme and consider:
The Spirit of Advent / Christmas & Healing
11 months of teaching about who the Holy Spirit is, what the Holy Spirit does, and what the Holy Spirit enables us to be and do.
Let me ask you some questions....
Have these last 11 months made a real difference in your Christian Life?
Have you gained a greater understanding of who the Holy Spirit is?
Have you experienced Him doing more in your life?
Has the Holy Spirit enabled you to be more the person that God has called you to be?
Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you?
11 months - is there a real difference in your knowledge, in your understanding, in your experience of the Holy Spirit in your life?
My hope, our hope as a ministry team, is that this year you will have been truly impacted by the Holy Spirit - that you will have seen and experienced the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.
That you are allowing the Holy Spirit to operate more fully in your life - that you are experiencing His supernatural power in your life. The promise of Jesus is that The Holy Spirit will operate in Power in your life.
The words of Jesus recorded in Acts 1:8 are : “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Are you experiencing the full power of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Or are you limiting the flow of power to your life?
Do you only allow a small trickle of power to flow?
Or are you willing to experience the full flow of Holy Spirit Power in your life?
This morning, how willing are you to allow the Holy Spirit to make you the person God wants you to be?
Are you being the witness that God has empowered you to be?
To the ends of the earth?
Perhaps if we were to paraphrase this verse for our group of churches, we would have a better understanding of what the power is meant to be for -
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Ashingdon, throughout Rayleigh, in Southend, and to the ends of Essex.”
Does that bring the truth of the reason for the Power of The Holy Spirit in your life a little closer to home?
Does that paraphrase help you to desire that God given Holy Spirit power to be fully operational in your life?
Friends, if you know Jesus as Saviour, then that power is already present in your life.
You need to allow Him to flow in your life.
We can all wrap ourselves up in excuses about why we don’t witness, we can find reasons to try and justify what we don’t do to share our faith with others.
We can blame our weakness, we can blame our eloquence, we are British so we can even blame the weather...
Actually, we don’t have the right to blame anything - Jesus says that the power to do it is already ours.
So why don’t the majority of us do it?
Are we too busy trying to protect ourselves?
Are we afraid of what will happen if we allow the Power of the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives?
Are we unwilling to show people the real person that God has called us to be?
Are we too worried about what our so called friends will think of us if we tell them the truth about who Jesus is?
Are we scared that if they knew the “real us”, they may not want to be friends with?
Do we love our friends enough to allow the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to witness to them?