
Summary: Keys to walking in deliverance and fulfilling one’s purpose



Infirmity = Asthenia (Greek)

• It speaks of weaknesses.

• Lacking strength (want of strength).

• Inability to produce results.

• Also translated as diseases.

There is an evil spirit behind it – The spirit of Infirmity.

The spirit of infirmity is the devil’s tool to limit us and ensure that we don’t fulfill our purpose in life – Jer.1:4ff.


Principally it causes one to be “Bowed…Low”

A. Prevents one from standing up straight – weakness

B. Creates a Dwarfing effect – reduced.

C. One’s Vision is Obscured.

 Limited vision/insight.

 Can’t see far.

D. Only Reality is the ground/dust – this is the serpent’s food – Is. 65:25.

E. Produces bondage.

 No freedom to move properly/freely.

 Enslaved by the condition.

F. Prevents us from being “lifted”.

 No Promotion.

 No Advancement in life.

 Inability to Excel – Gen.49:1ff.

G. Produces Low Self-esteem and a “Defeatist” mentality – The 3 “I”s.

 It is a spirit of Intimidation.

 It encourages your Insecurities.

 It emphasizes your Inabilities.

H. Limited from maximizing one’s potential.

I. It denies you your Inheritance and causes you to live in a beggarly state.


1. Don’t get Comfortable with it (Even when others are).

 Your deliverance might not excite some people.

 Your condition enhances their “religious ego”.

 Stop seeking the sympathy of men – Jn.5:1ff.

 Stop seeking the support of men – Is.46:1.

 Make up your mind to be better.

 Satan is not paying you a casual visit.

 He came for the long haul – 18yrs.

 As long as he is allowed he will stay – Eph.4:27.

2. Don’t Use it as an excuse – Remember the 3 “I”s.

 To stop fellowshipping – Ps.73 & 77.

 To stop connecting with other believers – Acts.2:41ff.

 Make up your mind to continually serve God.

 Be like Job – healed or not I’ll worship God.

3. Desire to be free – Is.1:19; Ps.110:3.

 Freedom is always better than bondage.

 Though it carries a great responsibility.

 Be fully Persuaded like Abraham – Gen.18; Rom.4:17ff.

4. Take the Leap of Faith.

 Your deliverance would require a radical action based on a simple understanding.

 “It is my right to be Healed, Free, Delivered irrespective of where and how”.

 You must boldly declare this “right”.

 Dare to declare it – Prov.14:3; 18:20ff; Matt.12:34ff.

5. Keep at it - Don’t give up.

There are two kinds of freedom – “Being Set Free” and “Being Made Free”.


Requires an External Influence / Requires an Internal Influence

Based on another’s revelation / Based on personal revelation

Can be Short-lived / Usually long term

Can produce dependency / Produces independence (interdependence)

Likened to a jump start in life / Likened to having a fixed battery

Usually immediate(instantaneous)/ Usually maintenance in orientation

• Keep Mending and Washing your Nets – Lk. 5:1ff; Mk. 1:19.

This means to keep working at it even when it looks like it is not working for you, like the disciples were washing and mending the nets that caught nothing. While doing this Jesus passed by and gave them a net breaking boat sinking miracle.

• If you’ll keep at it your deliverance is guaranteed.

My Declaration To You;

• I’ve come in the name of the Lord Jesus for a purpose

• I came to serve notice on the devil – Thus saith the Lord “Let my People Go”.

• I’ve come to turn the tables around.

• I come to loose the tormented and torment the tormenter.

• Child of God thus saith the Lord to you “Your deliverance is come”.

• I didn’t come here to argue with your condition.

• I came here to send it packing and set you free.

• No Infirmity can prevail here.

• The atmosphere is saturated with the Glory of God.

• You will get your Jump Start here and now in Jesus’ name.

• What you do after is your responsibility.

• But for now your jump start into victory and deliverance is guaranteed.

Copyright © 2005 by Rev. Dr. David Ibeleme

Victorious Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 4378, St. Ann’s, Trinidad. W.I.

(868) 625-6863 / 625-1449 / 623-1020 (fax)

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