For The Love Of Jesus
Contributed by Randy Trotter on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A simple Salvation message. We use words like Sin, Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, Faith & most of all Love.
Big Day BLOCK PARTY SERVICE. (I use this as we have outreached for some weeks for a big day to reach the lost of our community. I wanted this to be as simple a sermon as I could yet have an impact on the hearts and lives of those attending.)
We’re so glad that you’re here this morning. We want you to feel how genuinely honored we are to have you here today. We really mean that and I promise, having you in here in our service we won’t keep you for a long time but just want a chance to share with you what God has laid on all our hearts for our community and the people who live in it.
We want to a church that meets your needs. We know that there are many other churches you could choose from, some close, some not, some big, some smaller, but please know the heart of the church you choose & Know the heart of the people you choose to worship with!
We want you to know that our hearts are to please God and to serve people and in that order. We’re not a perfect church, but show me one that is! We’re not a big church but our bigness is within us! We’re not a wealthy church but our wealth is in Christ and His love for us!
“FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!” Have you ever heard anybody say that phrase? “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!” For the most part it’s said in a, rather, bad connotation when used out of context, almost taking the name of Jesus in vane. But this morning I want to comment on the phrase “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!”
But “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!” I share with you in a manner that is not taking His name in vane but rather looking at that phrase for what it means in totality for you and me this morning for a just a few minutes!
You see, Christ went to the cross, not for the glory, not for anything but “FOR THE LOVE...” I was that “LOVE” as much as you were for that “LOVE!” Had it not been “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS” there would never have been a cross for Him to hang on. There would have never been any need for him to hang on the cross except “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!”
Oh, don’;t get me wrong, there would have been a need but the need would have gone “UNANSWERED & UN-CARED” for except “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!”
You see I have not doubt that were it not for “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS” I wouldn’t be here this morning, nor would “YOU” be here this morning! Know it or not, you are not here by accident. Yea! We invited and asked you to come but IT’S BIGGER THAN THAT! YOU ARE HERE “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!”
It was His love that drew you here today! You could have been sitting home with the kids watching ‘SPONGE-BOB SQUARE-PANTS” but you’re not, you’re here! & DON’T WORRY! I’LL GET YOU OUT OF HERE IN TIME FOR THE GAME!
In Church we speak of words like, SIN, CROSS, FORGIVENESS, RAPTURE, MERCY, GRACE & MOST OF ALL LOVE! All of these words we speak are based on LOVE! Yea! “FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!”
Romans 8:39 tells us about the Love of Jesus for us, when it says...
“...No power in the sky above or below, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the (LOVE) of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus...”
He loves us so much that “NOTHING” but “NOTHING” can or shall separate us from HIS LOVE FOR US!
That means that no matter what you do He will always love you. He may not like what you do but HE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!
We know that “REAL LOVE IS” and that “HIS LOVE” FOR US IS REAL!
I John 3:16 tells us simply this...
“We know what (REAL LOVE IS) because Jesus gave up His life for us.”
He loved us so much He gave His life for us simply because he love us! Pretty powerful & profound huh? More importantly IT’S JUST THAT SIMPLE!
A moment ago I spoke of words that we use in church. SIN, CROSS, FORGIVENESS, RAPTURE, MERCY, GRACE, FAITH & MOST OF ALL LOVE! Some of you here this morning might not have a dad. Maybe your dad died, maybe a divorce, whatever the case, we know that having a dad is important!
I have a dad. We’ve not always had the greatest relationship but since I grew up and became a dad we’ve increased the LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER 1000%! Although HIS LOVE FOR ME HAS NEVER CHANGED SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN!