
Summary: What keeps America great? It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to know the formula for keeping our country going, growing and great, let’s examine it together!


The things that make you think...for example:

*We live in a country where we drive on parkways and park in our driveways!

*We live in a country where a pizza gets to our homes faster than an ambulance!

*We live in a country where the sick have to walk to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy folks can buy cigaretts at the front counter!

*We live in a country where Double Cheeseburgers are order along with a Biggie fry and of course a Diet Coke.

Only in America!

We hear so much about what’s wrong with our country but we need to set the record straight and remember what makes our country so great and not forget there are those who are willing to risk life and limb to live here.

It’s no secret what makes our country great but what must we do to keep it great?

Main Division

I. Prayer For It Unceasingly (I Tim 2:1-2a)

II. Live In It Righteously (I Tim 2:2b)

III. Evangelize It Fervently (I Time 2:3-6)

Conclusion: America, love it or leave it!

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