
Summary: "Fly the Kite" teaches that even the smallest acts of obedience can lead to extraordinary outcomes when they align with God's purpose.

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Fly the Kite

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On our 25th wedding anniversary, my wife and I embarked on what It felt was an odyssey to the ends of the earth—a journey full of anticipation and wonder: Niagara Falls. We had seen countless pictures and videos of this magnificent wonder of God’s creation, but nothing could have prepared us for the awe of standing before it. The thunderous roar of the water, combined with the sheer force of 3,160 tons of water crashing down at a rate of thirty-two feet per second, left us speechless.

In that moment, overwhelmed by such power, King David’s words in Psalm 19 came alive.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world” (Psalm 19:1-4a).

Nature has a way of reminding us of the greatness of our Creator, doesn’t it? But it also reminds us of something equally amazing—that God, who commands the roaring waters of Niagara, can work through even the smallest things to accomplish His divine purposes.

Let me take you back to November 9, 1847, when an engineer named Charles Ellet Jr. faced an enormous challenge: constructing a suspension bridge across the gorge at Niagara Falls. With 225-foot cliffs on either side and raging rapids below, how could anyone possibly get the first cable—an 800-foot wire—across such an impassable chasm? Ideas were tossed around, from launching the cable with cannons to using rockets, but in the end, the simplest solution won: a kite-flying contest. It was a 15-year-old boy, Holman Walsh, who successfully flew his kite across the gorge. That tiny string became the starting point for threading thirty-six strands of ten-gauge wire, which would ultimately support a mighty bridge. What began with something so small—just a kite—became the foundation for something extraordinary.

Like the kite string that started a bridge, even our smallest steps of obedience can have eternal impact when entrusted to God.. Today, we’re going to explore how God often uses the small and seemingly insignificant to accomplish His God-sized purposes. Just as that kite string led to a mighty bridge, God can use our faith to accomplish the impossible. No challenge is too big for the Creator, who delights in working through His beloved image-bearers to bring Him glory.

Ladder of Success

To accomplish great things for God’s kingdom, we must first ensure our “ladder” is leaning against the right wall. Too many Christians spend their lives pursuing personal success, climbing higher and higher, only to realize too late that their efforts were directed toward worldly goals, not God’s purposes. How often do we exhaust ourselves trying to impress others—working hard, accumulating debt, and chasing things we think will bring validation from people we may not even like? This misplaced focus is especially evident in a culture overflowing with material abundance. We live in a land far more luxurious than one flowing with 'milk and honey,' yet we remain unsatisfied—fearing scarcity while coveting what we don’t need. The truth is, dissatisfaction stems from not knowing or pursuing God’s will for our lives. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 2:10, “We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has uniquely designed us for His purposes, calling “ordinary” people (1 Corinthians 1:26-29) to do extraordinary things (John 14:12). This is His gift to us. In return, our obedience to “seek first the kingdom of God” is our gift to Him.

So, ask yourself: Is your ladder leaning against the wall of God’s will, or is it propped against the fading values of the world? Are you pursuing the role God has called you to fulfill, or are you distracted by chasing things that will ultimately amount to nothing more than vanity?

Everyday is a Masterpiece of God’s Design

Once we align our goals with God’s will, we can begin to see each day as an opportunity to live out His divine purposes and bring glory to His name. If we are to live lives worthy of the Gospel, we must break free from complacency and worldly desires, recognizing each day as a masterpiece crafted by God and an opportunity to fulfill His purposes. Though we may feel small or insignificant, we can trust in the sovereign power of the Creator, who gives us life and equips us for His work. As Philippians 4:13 reminds us, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” When doubts and fears arise, let us remember that the One who commands the earth to spin and holds the universe in place is more than able to use us, His frail and imperfect image-bearers, to accomplish extraordinary things. Each moment of our lives, no matter how seemingly ordinary, carries eternal significance when placed in the hands of our sovereign God. Will you view each day as a gift and commit to living in the fullness of the potential He has designed for you?

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