
Summary: Before believers succumb to the temptation to doubt God, they should remember that God has never left them alone.

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In Psalm 27:13 David said I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

What is a Flashback?

a : interruption of chronological sequence (as in a film or literary work) by interjection of events of earlier occurrence;also : an instance of flashback

b : a past incident recurring vividly in the mind

As we look at our text David here is praying that God would grant him protection He is asking the Lord not to forsake him because he is at a point in his life where he is in great need. Like many of us David knows how to pray....he knows how to seek God’s face and that's what David was doing however it seemed as if David himself was forsaken and surely in this momentous moment in his life when it seems that God is refusing to help him it seems as God is hiding Himself in a day when David is in trouble and like many of us when we are in trouble we want the Lord to come speedily and in a hurry to see about us. Like many times before David knew that He could look to the hills from whence cometh his help because he knew that it was the Lord who had been his Helper. Strengthened by the knowledge that the Lord would not forsake him, even when his father and mother walked out and left him He had a flashback and said God you took me in.

Sometimes we need to find and bring to surface again that inner confidence that we once had before we felt faint some of you here this morning feel like your not going to make it as a matter of fact you have lost your confidence in God and you don’t know if your going to live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. All you need to do is have a flashback and think about the goodness of God and just how good He’s been to you down in your sanctified souls and I guarantee you that you will get your confidence back. No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control , but they're never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you're facing, because God's plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.

Why People Faint

When Jacob’s sons returned from Egypt and told him of Joseph and his position there, "Jacob’s heart fainted, for he believed them not" (Genesis 45:26). Unbelief produces the same effect spiritually. Anything that causes us to let go our faith will bring fainting. Sorrow is also a cause for fainting. "When I would comfort myself against sorrow, my heart is faint in me" (Jeremiah 8:18). Anything that causes discouragement reacts on faith and it causes us to faint if we yield to its influence. When people faint spiritually, they feel just as Jonah did when he fainted literally. He "wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live" (Jonah 4:8). Many people have felt exactly this way because of the things they are going through spiritually.

David said, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord" (Psalms 27:13). When people do not hold fast their faith, they cannot see the manifestation of the goodness of the Lord in coming to their help. If they will hold fast their trust, he will bring them safely through. But instead of holding fast, many people heed the suggestion of the enemy, "You might as well give up." They listen, are convinced, and act upon his advice. Thus, they take the worst possible way out of their trouble, and then, instead of getting out, they only find themselves in deeper. O soul, do not faint at your tribulations, but trust in God, and he will not fail you. He is watching over you. He will let the fire become just hot enough to take out the dross. It will refine you, but not destroy you. You will only be the better for those tests of life. God may have to reprove and chasten you, but that will not be for your destruction, but for you profit. Believe in God; believe in your own integrity. Hold fast your confidence, and you will never faint. If you have fainted, begin to believe again, and your spirit will be revived as did the heart of Jacob when he believed.

1. Flashback - God never leaves us alone

Before believers succumb to the temptation to doubt God, they should remember that God has never left them alone.

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