
Five Loaves & Two Fish

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 6, 2023
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Jesus can take a little and make it a lot. He cares about our needs, both physical and spiritual. He has the power to perform miracles and provide abundantly. Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah, showing His authority and ability to do amazing things. He is the ultimate source of what we need.

Five Loaves & Two Fish

Youth Group Plan: Five Loaves & Two Fish (Matthew 14:13-21)

Youth Sermon: Five Loaves & Two Fish

Jesus Cares for the Multitudes

In this story, we see how much Jesus cares for people. When He saw the big crowd, He felt deep compassion for them. He didn't turn them away or ignore their needs. Instead, He healed their sick and helped them. This shows us that Jesus isn't distant or uncaring, but a loving Savior who cares about our problems and wants to help us.

Jesus also cared about their physical needs. When the disciples suggested sending the people away to find food, Jesus said, 'You give them something to eat.' He wanted the disciples to trust Him and know that He could provide for everyone. Jesus cares about our physical needs too, not just our spiritual ones. He wants to help us with everything we need.

Jesus isn't distant or uncaring, but a loving Savior who cares about our problems and wants to help us.

Divine Power to Multiply Resources

In this story, Jesus showed His power by multiplying the food. The disciples thought it was impossible to feed so many people with just a little bit of food. But Jesus showed them that with God, anything is possible. He took the five loaves and two fish, thanked God, and made it enough to feed everyone. This reminds us that God can take what little we have and make it enough for everyone.

The Authority and Ability of the Messiah

In this story, we see that Jesus is the Messiah, the chosen one from God. He showed His authority and ability in different ways. He told the disciples to feed the crowd, even though they didn't have enough food. This showed that He was in charge and wanted them to trust Him. Then, He took the small amount of food and multiplied it, showing His power over nature. The crowd listened to Jesus and followed His instructions, showing that He was a great leader. And at the end, there were twelve baskets of food left over, showing that Jesus can provide abundantly.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How did Jesus show His love and power in the story of feeding the 5000?

2. How can we trust Jesus to provide for our needs?

3. What does this story teach us about Jesus' authority and ability?

4. How can we show compassion to others, just as Jesus showed compassion to the crowd?

5. How can we apply the lessons from this story in our daily lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Loaves and Fishes Ice-Breaker

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