
Summary: We are told the most five popular questions that men are asked is:

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• "What are you thinking?"

• "Do you love me?"

• "Do I look fat?"

• "Do you think she is prettier than me?"

• "What would you do if I died?"

Each of these questions, when answered incorrectly, lead to an argument or divorce. Men must think before answering them.

Sometimes we are asked DIFFICULT QUESTIONS when being interviewed for job.

Illus: A very bright young man was being interviewed for a job. The interviewer said,

• "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!"

• A boy thought for a while and said, "My choice is ONE really difficult question."

• "Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this. ‘What comes first, Day or Night?’"

• The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on the correctness of his answer, but he thought for a while and said, "It’s the DAY sir!"

• The interviewer asked, "Why is it the DAY?"

• "Sorry sir, you promised me that you would only ask me ONE QUESTION!

• He was selected for the job!

Sometimes people will ask preachers questions, such as:

• “Preacher, do you like to play golf?”

• “Preacher, do you like sports?”

• “Preacher, do you get involved in politics.”

• Probably the one most often asked is, “Preacher, do you ever go fishing?”

The fact is, many preachers like to do one or more of these things, especially fishing. And like all fishermen, they love to brag.

Illus: I am reminded of the story of the two preachers who were bragging about who caught the biggest fish.

• One of the preachers said, “Without a doubt I would have to say I have caught the biggest fish. I caught one the other day that was six inches.”

• The other preacher said, “I caught the biggest fish, I caught a bass that was twelve inches long.”

• The first preacher said, “Well, that is good, but that is not as big as the fish I caught.”

• The other preacher said, “How can you say you caught the biggest fish when mine was almost 12 inches and yours was only about six inches?”

• The preacher said, “Oh, let me explain. I caught the biggest fish because you measure the length of the fish, I was measuring six inches between the eyes on my fish!”

In this sermon, I would like to look at a fishing story that sounds exaggerated, BUT IS TRUE!

When these disciples told what had happened, they were not lying. What happened on this fishing trip was so miraculous that if it wasn’t recorded in the Bible, we would surely not believe it. Let me show you several things about Peter’s fishing trip. First, notice...


Peter said, “I go a-fishing.” You have to watch these fishermen, if they get a chance to go fishing…THEY WILL GO!

Illus: A young boy came to School late. His teacher knew that he was usually very prompt and asked him if anything was wrong.

• The boy replied that he was going fishing but his dad told him that he needed to go to school.

• The teacher was very impressed and asked the boy if his dad had explained to him why it was more important to go to school than to go fishing.

• The boy replied, "Yes he did. Dad said he didn't have enough bait for both of us."

WHEN DID PETER DECIDE TO GO FISHING? As most of you know, TIMING IS IMPORTANT WHEN IT COMES TO FISHING! While some folks say there is NEVER IS A BAD TIME TO FISH, most of the experienced fisherman will tell you that successful fishing depends on GOOD TIMING!

We are told by the experts that the best time to fish is during the times of Sunrise or Sunset during a Full or New Moon.

Peter was an experienced fisherman, but he chose to go fishing AT THE WRONG TIME. He went while he was discouraged.

Peter, and the other disciples had willingly left behind successful careers, families, and even their religion to follow Jesus.

• They had total CONFIDENCE that Jesus was Who He said He was - the only begotten Son of God.


• They even discussed which of them would sit on the right and on the left of His throne when He would set up His kingdom.

• They became instant celebrities as they went from city to city and the multitudes came out to catch a glance of Jesus and His twelve disciples.

Then one day, a band of soldiers, led by Judas Iscariot, came into the garden while Jesus was praying.

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