Fire In My Bones
Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Even though Jeremiah had decided to keep still, he could not, because the truth of God’s Word on the inside was as a burning fire shut up in his bones.
Sunday Morning - July 25th, 2004
Let us pray
We were blessed last Sunday as Rev. Ron Schuckert shared the Word of God with us....
As Christians this morning we all should have a testimony to share of what God has done
for us. It is very easy to talk about what God did for you 20 or 30 years ago, but what has
God done for you lately? What is God doing for you right now? I believe I have a
testimony to share. You might say that is not much to share, but it is my testimony of what
God has done for me.
On July 12th, I attended the funeral service in Cleveland, Ohio, of a dear friend of mine
who went home to be with the Lord. On my way to the service that morning I had planned
to stop and get some gas, but we were running late, and so I decided to wait, After the
service.....(relate story.)
There are many today who are in the Christian race, everything appears to be alright but
they are running on empty, and they need a fill-up. On the highway I was traveling with a
group, I could apply my brakes, I could toot my horn, I could turn my headlights off and
on, everything appeared normal, but I was running on empty. There are many today who
are coming to the house of God, everything appears to be alright; they know how to clap
their hands, they know how to stomp their feet, they know how to say amen at the right
time, but their is an emptiness on the inside that needs to be filled. Today you are at the
filling station, and you do not have to leave here empty, because you can be filled
Our theme this year is "Glorifying God," and our key verse is taken from Matthew 5
verse 16, which says, Let your light so shine before men..............Each week we have a
verse to memorize, and our verse for this week is taken from Romans 12 verse 2 and is
found on page 6 of your bulletin. Let’s say that verse together, And be not conformed to
this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove
what is that good, and perfect will of God." ...
Please turn with me in your bibles to Jeremiah 20 verses 7 through 13. Let’s all stand and read together. Please tell someone, It is not wise to play
with fire. My topic for today is, Fire in my bones.
Jeremiah was ordained by God to be a prophet while he was in the womb, and he was called to be a messenger of God. In Jeremiah 1 verses 5 trough 8 we read these words (read).......... This man who was called by God; this man who was ordained by God; this
man who was commissioned by God; somehow changed his tune in Jeremiah chapter 20. There was a man called Pashur, who was the chief officer of the temple, he heard Jeremiah’s preaching, and so he beat him and put hin in the stocks overnight. Jeremiah
had been in serious trouble before, but this event is his first recorded physical suffering. I
want someone to know today, if you are God’s child there will be some suffering along the
way.........elaborate.....if you are God’s child there is no easy sailing in the Christian life....
Jeremiah had been led to undertake the prophetic mission with assurances of success and
victory, and he was surprised when he was met only with contempt and apparent failure.
Let’s turn to Jeremaih 1 verses 17 through 19 (read) So many have enetered the service
of the Lord with much confidence in the joy, but little anticipation of the trouble it would
bring. Like superman they had in mind to do great exploits, but never thought of having a
dull moment. They are going to leap high walls, fly over the land, and do everything in a
single bounce....
Are you surprised of what God is taking you through on this Christian journey? Are you
angry with God for what you are going through? Do you sometimes feel that God has
deceived you and you want to go on a spiritual strike? I wont worship with the saints
anymore, because they are not what I thought them to be. All those folks are hypocrites
and so I will just stay home and watch Bishop T, beacuse he seems to be alright.
Jeremiah the prophet of God; the one who God had ordained and commissioned to preach
God’s Word, in verse 7 of our text starts to complain (read verse 7) Here Jeremiah complains that God has deceived him. The God who can’t lie, Jeremiah says has deceived him. The God who can’t make a mistake, Jeremiah says has deceived him. The God who is