
Finding Joy After Darkness

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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... cling to God's promises, dawn is on the horizon.


Have you ever felt like giving up? Like everything is going wrong and there's no way out? Have you ever laid in bed at night, feeling like the darkness itself has turned against you?

Well, if this is you, then I want to talk to you about finding joy in the midst of your night season. I want to give you three ways that you can have joy even in the darkest times.

Section 1: Look back over your life

First, look back over your life. Take a moment to reflect on what God has already done for you. Think about how He has lifted you up and protected you from your enemies. Remember how He has healed your body and saved your soul. Consider how He has kept you alive and delivered you from difficult situations.

You see, David in our text took a trip down memory lane and praised God for all the ways He had been good to him. And just like David, if we take the time to look back over our own lives, we will find many reasons to be grateful and excited about what God has done for us.

Section 2: Remember and give thanks

Secondly, remember and give thanks. David commands us to sing and give thanks to the Lord. Sometimes, we need to be reminded to do this because we get caught up in our own problems and forget to praise God.

But when we remember all the ways He has been good to us, it becomes natural to give thanks. Think about the times when you were in desperate situations and God came through for you. Remember how He provided for your needs and brought you out of difficult circumstances. Give thanks for His mercy and grace in your life.

Section 3: Trust God for the results

Lastly, trust God for the results. Know that His anger is only temporary, but His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Even in the darkest times, we can trust that God is working things out for our good.

Just like Mary Magdalene who went to the tomb expecting to find a dead Jesus, but instead encountered the risen Savior, we can trust that God will bring joy and victory into our lives. He has the power to turn our mourning into dancing, our despair into hope, and our defeat into victory.


So, hold on to God's promises, morning is coming. Trust Him for the results and find joy in the midst of your darkness.

In conclusion, I want to encourage you to look back over your life, remember and give thanks for what God has done, and trust Him for the results. He is faithful and will bring joy into your life even in the darkest times. So, let us praise Him and give Him all the glory. Amen.

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