
Summary: Christ promise to bring us out of darkness into light. When we discover this we have a responsibility to share with others

- June 25, 1990 NYT

- Choose to leave the light of this world to walk in darkness

- Lost In a Dark Labyrinth

- Gary Lutes, 37 & sons Buddy 13, and Tim, 9, of Tampa, Fla.,

- New Trout Cave - Smoke Hole Caves

- Lost for 5 days

- Violated Cave Rule - Never leave emergency pack behind - 200 ft back

- Lamps went out one by one

- No food, water, 54˚

- Hidden 6-8 ft. drops

- Dizzy dehydrated, starvation, lost circulation

- Rescue by high beam blinding light

Israel in a dark place - 70 Yr. Captivity - Hopeless

FEAR NOT, for—

1. I have redeemed thee (v. 1). Purchase.

2. I have called thee (v. 1). Grace.

3. I will be with thee (v. 2). Fellowship.

4. I have loved thee (v. 4). Favour.

5. I will gather thee (v. 5). Hope.

6. I have created thee for My glory (v. 7). Privilege.

7. I have chosen (v. 10). Precious

Responsibility — Ye are My witnesses (v. 10).

- Once we were blind and in darkness now we can see and are in the light

- All because of Christ

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