
Summary: “Father Knows Best” is an American sitcom starring Robert Young, Jane Wyatt, Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray and Lauren Chapin.

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The series, which began on radio in 1949, aired as a television show for six seasons doing 203 episodes.

It was a good family program because it exalted the dad of the home.

This church is blessed with some wonderful dads! You could go into any church in America and you would not find any better dads than you will find in this church.

We are blessed to have such dads and I am tremendously proud to pastor such a church.

But we dads live in a strange world!!!

Today we actually have men, in this transgender era, in which we live who are changing their sex to become women. (Who would have ever thought we would reach this level of sin in our nation.)

Illus: Speaking of transgender makes me think of the story of a man who was treated by a psychiatrist because he thought that he was a mouse.

After some weeks of psychiatric counseling he was finally healed and learned, that he wasn't a mouse.

• As the man walked out of the psychiatrist’s office he saw a cat on the street and ran back to the psychiatrist and screamed: "I'm scared! There's a cat on the street!"

• The psychiatrist replied "I thought you knew now, that you are not a mouse."

• The man answered "Yes, I know that, but does the cat know this too?"

Something we all know is that we live in a crazy mixed up world.

Illus: We have men today who compete in WOMEN’S sports “disguised” as women and once they win they act like they have done something outstanding.

And to add insult to injury these transgenders tell us they are what they are because God created them this way - a woman in a man’s body.

Listen, for those who will say God created them this way - they would have us to believe God is like us humans, that is, when God created these transgender people HE MADE A MISTAKE.

Isn’t that astonishing, imperfect people correcting a God of perfection who has never made a mistake!!!

God is omniscient; He does not make mistakes, never has and never will!!!

• When God created a man He knew what He was doing!

• When God created a woman He knew what He was doing!

In Chuck Swindoll's book, Growing Wise In Family Life, he asks these questions that concern men:

1) Remember when men were men?

2) Remember when you could tell by looking?

3) Remember when men:

-knew who they were,

-Liked how they were,

-And didn't want to be anything except what they were.

4) Remember when it was the men who boxed and wrestled and bragged about how much they could bench press?

5) Remember when it was the women who wore the makeup, the earrings and the bikinis?

6) Remember when it was the men who initiated the contact and took the lead in a relationship,

7) Treated women like ladies,

8) And modeled masculinity that displayed security and stability?

Then he went on to say something even more profound, "We need fewer spineless wimps who've never disentangled themselves from mama's apron strings, and more clearly, hard-working , straight-talking men who, while tender, thoughtful and loving, don't feel the need to ask permission for taking charge.”

I'm convinced:

• That most single ladies would love to have men like that to spend time with...

• And most wives long to have men like that to share their life with.

• Children especially like having dads like that."

Did you catch that last line?

"Children especially like having dads like that."

When children are born they do not know anything about life. When there is a dad like Joshua, THEY HAVE A DAD THAT CAN SHOW THEM AND TELL THEM HOW TO LIVE THIS LIFE TO PLEASE THE LORD!!!

When it comes to women the world has a way of rating women with numbers. For example,

• If she is beautiful and intelligent we rate her a number ten (10).

• As I preach to the Fathers in this congregation today I believe that if we used the number system as a measuring system the scripture puts before us a dad that could be rated a number 10 if we were to rate fathers like Joshua.

He is everything that God wants every dad to be.


• Joshua is best known as Moses’ second in command who takes over and leads the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death.

• Joshua is considered one of the Bible’s greatest military leaders for leading the seven-year conquest of the Promised Land, and is often held up as a model for leadership and a source of practical application on how to be an effective leader.

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