
Summary: Series: Family Faith Transfer

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1. Secular psychologist, (a) weak will; (b) strong will; (c) evil.

2. A person is generally ruled by intellect, emotions or will.

Intellect Prophetic message preach/teach

Emotions Priest/Psalmist relationships worship

Will military leader discipline battle

3. Samson was prepared to have a strong will by his Nazarite training. But he turned his will against God, fed his emotions and didn’t think of God or His plan for his life.

4. His task, deliverer. “The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord . . . delivered them into the hands of the Philistines” (13:1).

5. Under bondage. “The camp of Dan” (13:25). Lived in fortified encampment, driven out of their northern territory.


1. Mother had spiritual insight. “If the Lord were going to kill us, He wouldn’t have accepted our sacrifice” (13:23, ELT).

2. Parents chosen by God. “The Angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman” (13:3).

3. The child was a gift from God. “Thou shalt conceive” (13:3).

a. Not virgin birth, a miracle to create.

b. Not post-menopause, a miracle to reverse the laws of nature.

c. Mother not able to conceive, a miracle to activate.

4. The father prayed for wisdom. “Manoah entreated the Lord and said, ‘Oh my lord, let the man of God . . . come again unto us and teach us what we should do unto the child’” (13:8).

5. The parents asked for specific principles. “So Manoah asked him . . . what kind of rules should be given the boy’s life and work” (13:12. LB).

6. The parents yielded to God’s purpose. “Manoah said, ‘Let thy words come to pass’” (13:12).

7. Spiritual preparation for Samson.

a. The word Nazarite comes from NAZAR “to separate.”

b. Temporary Nazarite vow for mother. “She must not eat grapes or raisins, drink wine, or any alcoholic drink, or eat any forbidden food” (13:14, LB).

c. Life-long Nazarite vow. “His hair must never be cut. For he will be dedicated to God as a Nazarite from birth” (13:5, LB, see Num. 6:2,3).

d. God loves symbols, i.e., outward evidence/reminder of inner truth.

e. Nazarite vow. Long hair, no grapes/wine, not to touch any dead things.

8. The appearance of the Angel of the Lord.

a. His appearance. “He was like one of God’s angels, terrifying to look at” (13:6, LB).

b. His name is wonderful. “Why do you ask my name, it is a secret (i.e., a wonderful secret).” (13:18, ELT). “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given . . . His name shall be called Wonderful” (Isa. 9:6).

c. He accepts their sacrifice, i.e., He forgives. “The Lord did a wonderful thing. As the flames shot up into the sky, the Angel of the Lord ascended in the fire” (13:20, ELT).


1. Expectation. The Lord promised, “He shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines” (13:5).

All of life is perception and expectation.

We respond to life according to our perception.

We plan our life on expectation.

2. Deliverer. What did the parents/neighbors expect of Samson?

a. Was he the Messiah?

b. Would he free them from bondage?

3. A natural birth. “The woman bore a son” (13:24).

4. A good name, “Called his name Samson” (13:24). Hebrew Shimshon, literally, “little sun,” i.e., sonny.

5. Weak tribe. “Of the family of the Danites” (13:2).

6. Physical development. “The child grew” (13:24).

a. A strong physical body. “He ripped the lion’s jaw apart with his bare hands” (14:6, LB).

b. An average body. “The spirit of the Lord took powerful control of him” (14:6, LB).

7. God’s added value. “The Lord blessed him” (13:24).

8. God’s demonstration. “The spirit of the Lord began to move him at times” (13:25).


1. A slave to passion. What was the continual weakness of Samson? “He saw a woman . . . get her for me” (14:1,2).

Your first sin, will be your continual stumbling block,

and your ultimate downfall is you don’t get victory.

2. Compromise with enemy.

a. Tried to marry a Philistine girl. (14:1-20).

b. Visiteed a Philistine harlot. (16:1-4).

c. Delilah a Philistine girl friend. (16:4-22).

3. Self indulgence. He was given to alcohol and sex.

4. Couldn’t keep his vow to God.

a. Not touch the dead, i.e., dead lion.

b. No grapes, wine, i.e., went to vineyard and drinking feast.

c. Not cut hair, i.e., gave his secret to Delilah.


1. No permanent deliverance.

2. His motive was revenge. “That I may be at once avenged of the Philistines of my two eyes” (16:28).

3. Six months to two years captivity. How long would it take for his hair to grow?

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