
Summary: This sermon is dedicated in memory of Sis. Grace Brown a faithful servant and supporter of God’s minister.

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Once again we meet at the summons of death. Not long ago a pastor was removed from our realm. Now a beloved worker of this flock, the president of the Pastor’s Aid Committe, has fallen asleep. I shall nevr forget her labor toward the betterment of this pastorate. Even from her sick-bed, she was still concern for the Pastor’s welfare. The subtraction of such a vessel leaves the church less beneath but more above. The reduction of earth’s battle field is addition to Heaven’s praise. team. We’ve come today not to eulogize the creature but to magnify the creator. In our text today, we are introduced to a man from Uz whose name was Job. The bible describes him as a servant of God. He was a man possed of spiritual unique-ness. Job was unmatched in both: riches and righteousness. Job was blessed greatly by God. Job had no need of a job. Job was God’s blessing and God was Job’s blesser. Job has seven sons and three daughters. He had seven thousand sheep and three thousand camels. He had five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkies. His house was lavished with beauty and bounty. Job had servants going and coming. He was a biblical tycoon. He was called the greatest man in the East. But in all of his material plenitude, he was a spiritual marvel. He was a paradoxical enigma. He was rich but still righteous. He had plenty but still he prayed. He had earthly workers but he still maintained Heavenly worhship. He had land and livery but he knew that he had leased it from another. So in our text, we visit a man who had amassed much. But suddenly, in an instant; Job is reduced from notable to naked. He is reduced from the fruitful to the frail. In an instant, he is reduced from the advertized to the anonymous. At the peak of his life God allowed Satan to strip him of his wealth. In an instant, his bank account was empty. In an instant, his employees died. In an instant, his children were gone. Instead of 10 children, he was left with ten caskets. Job went from riches to ruin. He went from the affluent to the afflicted. He went from the able to ashes. His beautiful resume’ was turned to rags. He went from the stand-up to the shut-in. Suddenly, Job triump was turned into an inexplicable tragedy. In an instant, sickness covered his body like blanket in a cold season. He nor his three friends could explain this strange occurrence. Job’s experience reminds us that quickly, a limosine could become a hearse. The same stuff that made him high and mightty left him poor and miserable. All of of his assets and accounts were frozen. But his faith in his living redeemer was still burning. Note this,

Job lost his fame, family, fortune and his future. His wife lost her mind. But in the midst of this, Job kept his faith in his living redeemer. Job was a remarkble picture of faith in the strom. He was a trophy of human fidelity. Divine permission and Satanic intervention left Job in a most trying situation. His lost was sudden and sobering. Sickness and sorrow will tear everyman asunder. But Job teaches us that although he could not hold his houses. He could not keep his health. He could not shield his children. He could not depend on his wife. He could not count on his

friends, he could still depend on the living Redeemer. A redeemer in biblical thought was a vindicator, an avenger of another man’s lost. A redeemer was somewhat like a bailbondsman. In the case of ppoverty, he was the near kinsman that could recover all that was lost.

There are 4 things neccessary to be a redeemer:

1. Near of kin.

2. Able to redeem.

3. Willing to redeem.

5. Pay the price of redemption completely.

Note the words of Job; Everything around him was dying.

I. First, He Declares His Trust in His Living Redeemer. (Goel)Before Christ descended upon the earth, Jo prophetically decalred that He liveth. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law. Christ redeemed us from the sting of death. At death our spirits are deposited. In the Resurrection, our bodies will be redeemed. Christ redeemed by both: power and price. Christ the living Redeemer defeated death. Death will at last be destroyed. Rejoice, Jesus lives in a dying world. The winds may blow. The tempest may roar. But I know that MY REDEEMER LIVETH. The winds may blow. But I know that MY REDEEMER LIVETH. Trouble may suddenly come my way. But I know that MY REDEEMER LIVETH. Disease may destroy my body. But I know that MY REDEEMER LIVETH.

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