Faces In The Crowd Series
Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A three weeks series looking at the cross from different perspectives.
A Journey to the Cross through the Eyes of Jesus
Sunday AM
Faces in the Crowd
Mat. 21:1-17
Introduction Video Clip
This morning, I want to take you on a journey… but this is no ordinary journey. I want us to take a long walk with Jesus. Yet instead of seeing things from our perspective, I want us to try to see the Passion Week from His point of view. Just what did Jesus see as He entered Jerusalem for His final week as a man?
To even begin to appreciate or consider what Jesus thought or viewed, we must first remember a few important items:
1 Jesus knew that He was God in the flesh sent from Heaven to make a final, once for all, atonement for sin. (Lk. 19:10)
2 Jesus knew that His time on this earth was nearing an end. (Mk. 14:6f)
3 Jesus knew that He would be betrayed, falsely accused, and that He would be crucified alongside of two criminals. (Mt. 18:31f)
4 Jesus knew that the wages of sin were death and that only through His death could salvation and life be brought to his creation. (Jn 14:6)
Idea: With these truths in mind, let’s strap on our sandals and try to see what our Savior saw some two thousand years ago.
Setting: It’s five days before the Passover, and in less than a week Jesus would be hanging on a cross for the sins of mankind. Jesus has recently left the home of friends – Mary, Martha, and Lazarus – where Mary had anointed Jesus in preparation for His burial.
As Jesus nears the city of Jerusalem, His sends two of His disciples before Him o collect a colt for His use. Upon mounting the colt, the people begin to lay down their cloaks, along with whatever they can find including palm branches as the call out, “Hosanna… blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
I Triumphal Entry When the King Comes to Town Mt. 21:1-11
Idea: Riding in on a donkey Peace prevailing versus a victorious warrior.
In times of war, the conqueror would ride in on a prancing white stallion, but in times of peace, the king would often ride in on a colt to symbolize that peace prevailed. Jesus enters as the Prince of Peace.
Hosanna Save us – The people were looking for relief from Rome.
Reality: A celebration breaks out!
Note: While the celebration continues, Jesus begins to cry.
A He saw the Future
a. He saw his destiny
b. He saw our destiny
B He saw His Kingdom
Idea: He saw that His kingdom would be rejected!
C He saw His Creation
Idea: He saw His disciples, the Pharisees, the Romans, the crowds
Reality: People react differently when Jesus shows up. Some rush to praise Him, while others reject Him in anger. Yet whenever Jesus comes, He demands a response. Truth is, we either bow before Him or we fight Him.
1 He saw the Confident who celebrate and are cured
Idea: They couldn’t help but to be excited as they tried to see and touch Jesus.
a They were happy to see Jesus
b They didn’t come to fulfill a habit but to fulfill a dream.
c They didn’t come to put in their time, they came to give of their lives
Note: Those who were excited about His rule honored Him as their king and Messiah. They did everything they could to honor Jesus’ arrival.
2 He saw the Calloused who are condemned
Idea: They couldn’t stand the fact that people were getting excited about Jesus.
a Jesus upset their rituals
Idea: Before Jesus: (1) They had comfort in their religion
(2) They had self-made boundaries to live by
(3) They had a means to esteem themselves above others
b Jesus upset their power over people
Idea: Before Jesus: (1) They were the religious leader
(2) They provided spiritual guidance
(3) They were considered godly
Question: How do you respond when Jesus comes to church? Do you receive it or reject it? Are you a disciple or a Pharisee?
Quick Test:
1 I tend to get upset when things don’t go my way at church – I like my church just the way it is.
2 I tend to be negative towards the church and towards people and things that I don’t fully understand.
3 This is my church and I’m not going to let anyone change me or move me.
4 I used to serve in this or that position…
5 Do you know who I am?
6 I’m okay with God, though at one time I used to be closer.
7 I’ve done my time…
8 That money could have used for something else - to feed the poor, etc.