
Summary: I would like for you to think with on the subject, “Even the dogs qualify.” Think of a dog as the lease likely person, in the worst position, at the most inappropriate time, who discovers the power of faith. Faith in God is a qualifier that cannot be ignored.

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Subject: Even the Dogs Qualify

Matthew 15:21-29

Introduction: The Scriptures refer to four seasons during Jesus’ earthly ministry where He sought solitude and rest. No matter how gifted or anointed we are, we all need rest. We all need places to be refreshed. The unusual story of our lesson occurs during one of the most difficult periods of Jesus’ life. So much pressure was on him that sought refuge near the coast line. Although it was not in Tyre or Sidon, it was near the border.

Jesus and his disciples were traveling quietly as to not attract any attention, but He could not be hid. He is soon interrupted by a Syrophoenician woman with a great need. Jesus could not be hid because of his fame and approachableness by those who were in distress. The word was out….He will help you! This is really nothing new, because every time Jesus sought a place of retirement, people found him. So this Canaanite, Greek, Syrophoenician woman found Him near her coastline. She had a serious problem.

This woman’s young daughter was grievously demonized. She heard what Jesus had done for others and decided to take a chance. She found him on the road, and besought him to help her. Her daughter’s problem had become a family problem. Her plead was so earnest and sincere, the disciples joined in and encouraged Jesus to help her and send her away. Jesus answered her not a word! What a pitiful story! When he does respond, it’s not a positive response. During the delay, the woman chooses to renew her petition and begs for his help. Jesus replies, “I am not sent to your kind.” Then, “It’s not meet to take the children’s bread and give it to dogs.” The woman reply, “I’ll be satisfied with the crumbs.” This brought forth Jesus’ high commendation of her faith.

Most Jews consider Gentiles little more than dogs. They shunned them and avoided them. They felt as if Jews alone qualified for the favor of God. They alone deserved God blessings. In the text, notice the word Jesus used “dogs” means puppy dog or house puppy. There are some lessons we can learn for this story. Her faith caused her to address Jesus as the son of David or Israel’s future king and Messiah. Her faith caused her to worship Him. Her respect caused her to acknowledge the Jewish priority. And finally her faith is demonstrated by her humility, persistence and importunity.

It might helps to understand the setting. Jesus and the disciples had recently received the news concerning John the Baptist, who had been beheaded during Herod’s wild party. His headless body had been claimed and buried outside the city. His head was being used as the centerpiece of a banquet table. That’s enough to stress you out. Sometimes it looks like evil will always win. The woman comes not understanding the moment, but she is desperate. It is the woman who introduces the crumb idea. This referred to the small blessing that would not interfere with his ministry to the Jews. She seems to argue that Jesus was now away from the Jews and was not presently feeding them. So a blessing in this isolated case would not deprive the children. The woman was not only willing to suffer being called a house dog, she was willing to be treated as such.

I would like for you to think with on the subject, “Even the dogs qualify.” Think of a dog as the lease likely person, in the worst position, at the most inappropriate time, who discovers the power of faith. Faith in God is a qualifier that cannot be ignored. The lesson is filled with obstacles. (1) It’s not a good time. (2) She is the wrong race. (3) She is woman traveling alone. (4) It’s not her season. (5) Her only motivation is desperation. But Jesus mentioned a house dog, she saw a ray of hope.

She knew that house dogs were creatures of opportunity rather than convenience. House dogs view silence as positive encouragement rather than discouragement. House dogs have faith in their master’s history, love and concern. Finally, house dogs are satisfied by what the master gives. We should learn several things from this lesson…

1. Even the dogs qualify if they choose to seize the moment. If we are serious about having our needs met and the needs of our family, we must seize the moment. We must come to Jesus for those who cannot come for themselves because they are too demonized, too bound, too blind, we must seize the moment for them. Pet dogs will seize the moment.

2. Even the dogs qualify because they choose draw closer. House dogs consider the conversation of silence as encouragement to draw a little closer. First beside your chair, then against your leg and finally on your knee. God may not always answer quickly, but He will answer. The scriptures never rebuke for believing for too much or too much faith, always for not believing for enough.

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