
Summary: This will be the sixth sermon on this series on eschatology. Three of the six sermons preached thus far have dealt with that time described as The Tribulation period, which will last for seven years

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This is an age that no one desires to live in. We have heard some say:

• If I had my choice of times to live, I would love to have lived here during the Old Testament times.

• Some would say that if they had their choice of times to live, they would love to have lived here during the New Testament times.

• Others would say that if they had their choice of times to live, they would want to have lived during the days of the west, the industrial age, the middle ages, the renaissance, or the enlightenment age.

All of these ages had their appeal, but something you will never hear anyone say, is this; “If I had my choice of which time I could have lived, I would choose to live during The Tribulation Age”.

No one in their right mind would want to live here during this time, but there will be people who will be living here during this time.


• These are the people who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, and the rapture of the church has taken place, and they are left behind.

• These are the ones who thought they were saved, but now they are left behind to deal with the antichrist.

WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE WANTS TO LIVE HERE DURING THIS TIME? Because this is the age when men will suffer on the earth like they have never suffered before.

Look at Matthew 24:21-22, we read, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”

Did you get that? Look at verse 21 again, we see why no one would want to live here during this time. We read, “For then shall be great tribulation, (How great?) such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Never has there ever been sufferings on this earth like there will be during this time.

All the sufferings of the world today can be traced back to Satan. During the tribulation period, he will not have the restraint of the CHURCH and the HOLY SPIRIT to hold him back from doing what he desires to do.

His only opposition will be:


• The 144,000 Jewish Missionaries who will be spreading the gospel of the kingdom around the world

We have looked thus far at:



But today, let’s look at-


The Tribulation Period is going to be divided into two sections.

• The last part of the tribulation period will be called the GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD.

• The first three and a half years is going to be known as THE PEACEFUL PERIOD

Illus: The devil does not start off like some of these dragsters that you see at a drag race. From standing still, they are able to reach speeds of up to 100-200 mph in a matter of seconds.

The antichrist starts off slow, but three-and-a-half years into the Tribulation period, he begins to throw it into high gear, and the sufferings he is going to impose on mankind will begin to accelerate. But the first three-and-a-half years will be known as the “Peaceful Time” of the Tribulation Period.

Just as there are many names given to describe the Tribulation period, there are also many names given to the antichrist. Such as:

• The Bloody and Deceitful man in Ps. 5:6

• The Wicked One in Psalm 102:2-4

• The Man of the Earth in Psalm 10:18

• The Mighty Man in Psalm 52:1

• The Enemy in Psalm 55:3

• The Adversary in Psalm 74:8-10

• The Head of many countries in Psalm 11:6

• The Violent Man in Psalm 140:1

• The Assyrian in Isa. 10:5-12

• The King of Babylon in Isa. 14:2

• The Sun of the Morning in Isa. 14:12

• The Spoiler in Isa. 16:4-5

• The Nail in Isa. 22:25

• The Branch of the Terrible Ones in Isa. 25:5

• The Profane Wicked Prince of Israel in Ezekiel 21:25-27

• The Little Horn in Dan. 7:9

• The Prince that shall come in Dan. 9:26

• The Vile person in Dan. 11:21

• The Willful King in Dan. 11:36

• The Idol Shepherd in Zech. 11:16-17

• The Man of Sin in 2 Thess. 2:3

• The Son of Perdition in 2 Thess. 2:3

• The Lawless one in 2 Thess. 2:8

• The Antichrist in 1 John 2:22

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