
Summary: God, in His mercy, gave a young person a vision of end-time scripture mines. A heavenly visitor takes this young person ahead of time and guides him to a mountain’s peak. He can see a lot of calamities and natural disasters occurring towards the south direction.

God, in His mercy, gave a young person a vision of end-time scripture mines. A heavenly visitor takes this young person ahead of time and guides him to a mountain’s peak. He can see a lot of calamities and natural disasters occurring towards the south direction. The destruction that was taking place both on land and in the water was a distressing sight. The visitor then tells that God’s end-time scripture mines have opened little earlier.

Immediately the young man eyes are opened. He sees a steep valley downward and the valley’s depth reaches till the centre of the earth. The valley is endlessly deep. He sees disasters and an endless valley below with the same pair of eyes at the same time. He observes two events occurring simultaneously, as if one layer was built upon the other layer. Then he realised that when God views a place, all of the past, present, and future events are occurring simultaneously. For God, when he looks at something, he gets information about it by seeing all things happening/happened simultaneously at the same time.

The valley was a mine. There were vast number of resources, secrets and minerals present in this mine that would be necessary for end-time survival. It’s a two-layered wisdom; before disasters strike, God’s will open His chosen people’s eyes to this mine to extract the minerals. Although vast concentrations of precious minerals are present, this mine is only in the discovery stage, hence its actual value is unknown. Finding the locations and quantiles of these minerals needs lot digging effort and extensive research. This mine was opened for the end times.

This mine is layered, with numerous strata/layers where various minerals can be discovered. There were attractive flowers and radiant plants at the mine’s entrance. There are chrysolite and sapphire stones as you descend in this mine. As we descend further, the air becomes thinner and the colour of air is amberish. There are several strata in this mine. The next layer will open once we have passed the previous layer. The depth of this mine equals the earth’s radius. The precious minerals are located in the lower strata, and it require lot of patience and persistence to extract these minerals.

The visitor mentioned that the mines is nothing but the scripture. The mysteries / secrets in scripture are the precious minerals. We have known for many generations that the Bible contains prophecies about the second coming. We lack knowledge, interpretation, or a key to the unveil/unlock the secrets of the second coming mentioned in the scripture. Majority of the people have interpreted the second coming secrets with literal understanding of the scriptures. The visitor said that this end time mine was closed for many generations. But now God has opened these mines. In order to dig in these mines, sophisticated digging equipment and young people are required.

The visitor said that God is searching for young people with a good disciplined lifestyle who have expertise in digging mines and God is willing to provide the necessary digging tools.

A miner puts an end to the darkness; he probes the deepest recesses for ore in the gloomy darkness. He cuts a shaft far from human habitation, in places unknown to those who walk above ground. Suspended far away from people, the miners swing back and forth. Food may come from the earth,but below the surface the earth is transformed as by fire. Its rocks are a source of sapphire, containing flecks of gold. No bird of prey knows that path; no falcon’s eye has seen it. Proud beasts have never walked on it; no lion has ever prowled over it. The miner strikes the flint and transforms the mountains at their foundations. He cuts out channels in the rocks, and his eyes spot every treasure. He dams up the streams from flowing so that he may bring to light what is hidden. (Job 28:3 -11)

When disasters strike the outside world, God’s mines are opened far in advance of the catastrophe, and the minerals that are extracted are given to His people.

There are numerous end-time mysteries in these mines that must be digged till we receive the correct interpretation from God. Some of the scripture end time mines /portions where end time secrets are present are below.

1) Prophecies of Daniel

2) Prophecies of Isaiah

3) Prophecies of Minor prophets

4) Book of revelation

5) Beatitudes

6) Jesus mentioning about Second coming

7) Prophecies of Jeremiah

8) Romans 8

We must dig these end-time scripture mines until we receive an accurate interpretation from God, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, and with the wisdom of God. A lot of patience is needed for this task. These topics have vast deposits of Knowledge of Jesus and God’s plan for the end times. One of the fundamental keys to unlocking them is to focus entirely on Jesus in these passages. The way Jesus explained the parables to His Disciples, Jesus must direct you and explain these portions of scripture. The Bible contains a huge number of mines. These eight mines are a few of them.

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