Duck Calls Series
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Robertsons have made millions producing duck calls that sound real and authentic to ducks. And they've reached 1000s with a witness that sounds real and authentic to the lost. What can we learn from their styles of witnessing?
OPEN: (I preached this sermon in hunting gear with a “deer call” around my neck. The opening 6 minutes were from a video of Jase Robertson telling of his first attempt at witnessing – answering a “prank” phone call at midnight and witnessing for 3 hours. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eREBIFrL0jI [0:16 thru 6:18])
What you've just seen is the testimony of Jase Robertson about how he got into the habit of witnessing to people about Christ. His passion for sharing Christ with others is something the entire Robertson clan is dedicated to. In fact, they’re so driven by this desire to tell others about Christ that Alan Robertson (the beardless son who has been preaching in their home church) said:
“We’re kind of the John the Baptists of the 21st century. It’s how you imagine, with the wild hair and the locusts.”
Exactly who was this John the Baptist they’re comparing themselves to?
Well, John was a special man chosen by God to prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry.
According to Matthew 3:4 “John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.”
“People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.” Matthew 3:5-6
People left their homes, their villages, their cities – and they flocked to the Jordan River to see this prophet of God as he preached. Why would they do that? Why would they leave their homes and villages to come to listen to this man?
Well, the Bible doesn't say… but I've got a pretty good idea.
In a day when there was no TV or Radio, John was an entertaining man to watch
He was different than anyone else they knew.
He dressed different, he ate different, and he talked different. He told people things they didn't hear anywhere else.
In short, John the Baptist was a lot like the men you see on Duck Dynasty.
And, John’s message was very straightforward:
• You've sinned and you need to repent
• You need to be baptized for the forgiveness of those sins
• And there is someone I want to tell you about… who will change your life.
In short, he was a lot like the men you see on Duck Dynasty.
All the men on Duck Dynasty will tell you that same message:
• You've sinned and need to repent
• You need to be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins
• And there’s someone I want to tell you about… who will change your life.
They all preach that same message.
BUT they all preach the message in slightly different ways.
Jase Robertson for example strikes me as a laid back, easy going man. He’s kind of an “aw-shucks” kind of guy. I can not picture him being an “in-your-face” kind of witnesser, but I CAN visualize him being a no-nonsense, straightforward man of faith. I can see him saying:
“This is the way it is… take it or leave it” and being more than happy to tell you about Jesus.
I could picture him talking to a prank caller for 3 hours from midnight till 3 in the morning and I can visualize him honestly telling them what he knew and believed about Jesus.
Like the other 3 men of the Robertson family I’m going to tell you about this morning, Jase's witness is real and authentic.
ILLUS: Does anybody know what the Robertson clan sells that has made them millions of dollars? That’s right (holding up the deer call and pretending it’s a duck call – I’ll explain it later) they've made tons of money because they've made duck calls that sound like ducks. That was Phil Robertson’s passion. He had grown disappointed with the duck calls on the market at the time and set about creating a call that satisfied him as being “realistic” and “authentic”. He figured Ducks wouldn't be fooled by anything less.
In the same way, the Robertson’s witness is real and authentic. This is what they really believe. But their method of sharing their faith is as distinctive as they are.
For example, I believe Jase is the most likely to use his passion for hunting and his role on Duck Dynasty as props. In fact Jase even said:
“I’m going to use whatever God blesses me with as a platform to tell the world that God is for you.”
Jase uses what God has given him as a platform, a prop, a tool… to talk about Jesus. Most of the time he’s talking about ducks and hunting. That’s his platform, his prop. He talks about his passion for Duck hunting and uses it as a tool to introduce people to Christ.