
Summary: Should the Pastor be “worthy of double honor “ If they are....what should we base it upon? What does the Bible say?

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“Don’t muzzle the Ox!”

Galatians 6:6-10

Text: Galatians 6:6

There is no position in society that is more important than that of the Pastor /Teacher. The relationship between a Pastor/Teacher and their members is a subject that is never stressed enough within the body of Christ. Our text is dealing with the students responsibilities to the Pastor/Teacher . We need to keep in mind that every believer should be a student who sits at the feet of God’s Pastor/Teacher whether they are in Leadership or not. While a lot of people would look at this passage and peruse it, many would like to come to the conclusion that when Paul say’s in v.6 “ Communicate unto him that teaches in all good things” they would like to think that he is saying for them to just communicate and share in the ministry of the Pastor/Teacher by getting involved with what it is he’s doing as far as his ministry is concerned. You know go to Bible Study, attend services, act like I’m really interested in what he or she has to say, respond with a Hallelujah , Thank You Jesus or Glory when I hear him say something that sounds real good. Even though this is a part of communicating and sharing . Paul actually is going deeper into an area that I see he had when it came to those who were under his leadership and that was if I can spend all this time preaching and teaching to you the word, well then you can contribute to my financial support.

Galatians 6:6 (Amplified) say’s,” Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support].”

Paul say’s, “I the (Pastor/Teacher) have a responsibility to you the (learner) to teach the Word of God just like you have one to me.”

When it comes time for the Pastor/Teacher to teach he or she is suppose to be present when its time to preach or teach and also have a rhema word for you.

Your responsibility is that you should be attentive and learn what it is that the Pastor/Teacher is teaching.

When it’s time to ask questions you should share in the discussions.

Pass on what you’ve learned.

Your suppose to participate with his or her ministry.

Your suppose to support him or her financially.

Your suppose to encourage others to come and learn.

This is a day in which the minister of God is being attacked not only by the world, but most unfortunately, by those within the church. The attackers are causing a loss of disrespect for Christ and a lot of neglect where the minister of God is concerned, ignoring the needs of the man or woman of God , abusing them verbally and persecuting their families because some don’t want to support the man or woman of God.

1 Timothy 5:17 NKJV say‘s , “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.”

The Amplified version say’s “ Let the elders who perform the duties of their office well be considered doubly worthy of honor [and of adequate [a]financial support], especially those who labor faithfully in preaching and teaching.”

Paul is saying to Timothy the honor and pay of an elder is conditional: they must rule well. The church is suppose to esteem, respect, acknowledge, and recognize the man or woman of God. The man or woman of God are to be held dearly within the heart of the saints and held ever so closely, not only that but the man and woman of God are to be esteemed ever so highly. As a matter of fact the Bible say’s the man or woman of God are to be honored only if they “rule well”. The word “rule” is a general word meaning to oversee, supervise, and look after. The man or woman of God who is worthy of double honor are the ones who labor and labor and work and work. So the man or woman of God must have a double commitment to Christ and the church. This even pertains to those who are on the ministry staff if they are laboring in the Word and Doctrine, that is preaching and teaching. There are a lot of responsibilities that come with the office of the Pastor/Teacher because it is he or she who takes the lead in edifying and building up the believer and the church. It’s the Pastor/Teacher who spends hours on his or her face before God and in the Word in order to preach and teach and might I add in addition to taking the lead in all other duties and ministries of the church. So he or she should be “worthy of double honor “ if they are doing these things. If not don’t honor them, don’t esteem them, don’t respect them, don’t acknowledge them or recognize them. You might say but don’t the Bible say,” Touch not my anointed ;neither do my prophets any harm?”

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