Doers Of The Word Series
Contributed by Tim Byrd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 8 in the series on the book of James
A Life of Works Produced by Faith
Part 8
“Doers of the Word”
Date: October 6, 2002 A.M. Service
Place: Allendale Baptist Church
Text: James 1:22-25
We live in a day that offers so much information. We can find an answer to almost any question at our fingertips. The Internet is a wonderful tool to help us in our daily lives to obtain this information. In one single computer chip
can hold as much information you will ever need in a lifetime.
It is true for the Christian. I know I seem to repeat myself so many times, but we have access to all the answers to all our cares, all our problems through God’s Word. And for many we spent time in the Word, but have never cone to the point of relying on the truth of God’s Word to do its work in our life. Others have a great knowledge, they gather the truths but never really get it into their lives. They hear the Word of God but it is not exercised. They never apply into their lives.
I have said the book of James is a very practical book addressing important matters in the believer’s life. And James does so again in these passages of Scripture.
As we closed last Sunday evening, in verse 21, James tells us to
1. “Lay aside” or ‘Put off” all filthiness and overflow of wickedness. We cannot serve the Lord nor can we hear God’s voice speaking to us with filthiness and sin in our lives.
2. “And receive with meekness the implanted Word”. In my translation I said this means to have a teachable, moldable spirit.
3. “Which is able to save your souls”. God’s Word is the tool and instrument He uses to bring regeneration, new birth. But also a life committed to the Lord Jesus, with the Word of truth applied in the believer’s life will keep us from sin.
*Someone once said God’s Word will keep us from sin or sin will keep us from God’s Word
So as James, once again addresses a very practical issue in the Christian’s life, lets first notice…
I. The Demand of God’s Word on Our Lives (verse 22)
A. “But be doers” means to “show yourselves to be”
1. I have learned this phrase is in the present tense, which means a kind of action.
2. James says we are to continuously keep on showing ourselves to be doers of the Word.
3. We can read a lot of different books, but they do not demand anything of us.
a. Reading a cookbook does not demand you bake a cake or a three course meal.
b. But to the child of God that reads His Word with a teachable, trainable heart, there is a calling by the Holy Spirit of God to respond to His truth.
B. God’s Word of truth is not something to be stored away in the back of our minds. But it calls us to a life to be lived.
1. In John 3:21 Jesus said; “But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
2. 1 John 1:6 says; “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”
3. I heard a poem once that said:
It’s easier to preach than to practice;
It’s easier to say than to do.
Most sermons are heard by the many,
But taken to heart by the few.
Then he completes the command
Next notice
II. The Development of God’s Word in Our Lives
A. If we are not doers of the Word we are “hearers only”.
1. In seminary classes there are people that came just to audit the class. They come to sit and listen to the lectures, but they are not applying it to a degree. They do not have to take the test.
2. Can I say this; there are folks in the church today that sit and listen to the sermons, come to Bible study, they come for the Blessing, but are not in turn being a blessing to others because of the Word of truth.
Let me also say this, I believe it is a very dangerous place to be for someone just to be content just to hear the Word. AS I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT I PREACH YOU, MY DEAR FRIEND ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU HEAR AND RESPONSIBLE TO INCORPORATE IT INTO YOUR LIFE.
B. Then James says, “we deceive ourselves.”
1. There is a great deal of difference between reading a menu and eating a meal; between holding a prescription and taking the medicine; and a greater difference in reading the Bible and growing in grace.