Do You Perceive (Know) God's Love? Enough To Make Others Perceive It Too?
Contributed by Kelly Durant on Feb 24, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Love is everything! Without love, where would you be right now? Without love there would not exist families, nor friends, nor happiness, nor health, nothing would exist because it was with love God that created everything! Do you show love?
Do you Perceive (Know) God's Love?
Enough to Make Others Perceive It Too?
Captain Kelly Durant Re: 1-30-10
1 John 3:16
16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
They say that money can buy a dog, but only love can make his tail wag!
You and I would not be here today if it were not for us knowing (perceiving)God's love! In order to serve and love God and love each other we must experience it through someone! Love is contagious!
Love, in reality is abstract, it is not an object like a pen that you hold and use. But we see love through actions, we feel it, we understand and experience it and know it through relationships and deeds of kindness! Our relationships with others and with God!
Love is everything! Without love, where would you be right now? Without love there would not exist families, nor friends, nor happiness, nor health, nothing would exist because it was with love God that created everything! And it is love that He wants back from us! God wants us to love Him and others as ourselves above (above!) everything!
It was the pure love of God through Jesus that brought the saving of souls and love heals broken bodies. Humanity has never been the same ever since Jesus gave His love!
It was God's love that changed my life and I have been looking for a chance to share God's love with someone everyday ever since then!
16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
How do we perceive God's love? How does perceiving that Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cross to erase our sins change us so that we too will love that much too?
In this verse we first study that we must perceive the love of God. How do we perceive? We know the story of what Jesus did, how He humbly came down from heaven to love us, heal us, and then died for us to give us eternal life through his sacrifice.
But how do you take perception or knowledge and allow it to transform your heart into a copy of what it absorbed?
How did you or I capture the message of Jesus' love? You and I know about God's love because someone loved us enough to invest their interest and passion for Jesus into us! Someone helped you and I understand the importance and significance of the getting our soul saved from self-destruction and hell!
The Greek meaning of love is this:
?ginw/skw ?ginosko (ghin-oce'-ko); to "know" (absolutely) - allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know (-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.
Griego: ?ginw/skw ?ginosko (ghin-oce'-ko);
conocer (totalmente)-permitir, estar conciente, sentir, tener la percepcion o conocimeinto, estar resuleto, capaz de hablar de algo, seguridad, comprensión
Someone helped us discover God's word, the Bible! We perceived it by knowledge, by communication, and by someone's love, and that transmission (or transfer of information with love) is what caused our light bulb to turn on (the eureka) of how Jesus love is so amazing!
Love is transferred from one person to the next! One time I had a funny experience and I will use it to explain how transfers of inspiration can happen. It is more than just knowledge.
I had an experience of going into a McDonalds and some people were laughing hysterically at a table. Nobody knew why. Before you knew it others were laughing at them from other tables. Then the cashiers started laughing. Then myself and everyone was laughing and laughing. Every person that walked in looked around like what is going on and started laughing. It was a moment like I had never experienced! Everyone was just overwhelmed with laughter!
Love is like that, it takes affect and everyone notices the good feeling and everyone around you wants to be a part of it! First comes the knowledge of Jesus, then the Holy Spirit confirms in our spirit this is real authentic love! We then practice & share it!
Jesus love should take over your life totally and make you lovingly contagious! It is not just laughter but acts of kindness done in love that make God's people outstanding, and loving people! Love is serving in disasters, and serving everywhere all the time!
Getting your life back is an act of love from God! And that is what Jesus does for you!
Think about how getting your body rescued by someone, being an act of love, can change your life totally!
Like the people in Haiti right now! Like the girl that was found after 15 days! Imagine you are under thousands of pounds of rubble and one, two, three, four and more days go by and you accept the fact you are going to die but then someone saves you and pulls you out! If you have a new start by someone's love and care, that's love at work and what a life change! John 12:24