
Do You Love Me?

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Resurrection hope comes from knowing that Jesus is faithful even when we are not. Jesus loves us back to wholeness. Do you love Him?

Do You Love Me?

Youth Group Plan: Do You Love Me? (John 18:15-17, John 18:25-27, John 21:1-9, John 21:15-19)

Youth Sermon: Do You Love Me?


Today, we're going to talk about how Jesus' love can restore our hope even after we've messed up big time. We're going to look at a story from the Bible about a guy named Peter who denied Jesus three times, but Jesus still loved him and gave him a second chance. I want you to walk away knowing that Jesus loves us back to wholeness, even when we mess up. So, do you love Him?

To help us understand this better, let's do a quick object lesson. I have here a piece of paper with the word HOPE written on it. Now, imagine this paper represents our hope in Jesus. When we mess up or make bad choices, it's like we're crumpling up our hope. (Crumple the paper.) But the amazing thing is, Jesus can take our crumpled hope and make it whole again. (Slowly uncrumple the paper, revealing the word HOPE again.)

Jesus loves us back to wholeness, even when we mess up.

Peter's Story

Now, let's dive into the story. You can find it in John 18:15-17, 25-27 and John 21:1-9, 15-19.

Peter, one of Jesus' closest friends, denied knowing Jesus three times when Jesus needed him the most. We all make mistakes and sometimes our actions can hurt others and even our relationship with Jesus. But the good news is that Jesus doesn't give up on us.

In John 21, after Jesus had risen from the dead, He appeared to Peter and the other disciples while they were fishing. Jesus asked Peter three times, 'Do you love me?' Each time, Peter said yes, and Jesus told him to 'feed my sheep.' Jesus was giving Peter a chance to make things right and to show his love for Jesus by serving others.


So, what does this mean for us? It means that even when we mess up, Jesus still loves us and wants to restore our hope. Our love for Jesus is proven by how we live our lives and serve others. If we truly love Jesus, we'll show it by loving and serving those around us.

This week, think of one way you can show your love for Jesus by serving someone else. Maybe it's helping a friend with their homework, doing chores for your parents without being asked, or volunteering at a local food bank. Whatever it is, remember that when we serve others, we're showing our love for Jesus.

Closing Prayer

Let's finish with a prayer: Jesus, thank you for loving us even when we mess up. Help us to love you with our whole hearts and to show that love by serving others. Give us the strength and courage to live our lives in a way that honors you. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. In what ways have you denied or confirmed your connection to Jesus in your life?

2. How have you experienced Jesus' grace and restoration in your own life?

3. How can you show love to others as a way to demonstrate your love for Jesus?

4. What challenges do you face in loving Jesus and others wholeheartedly?

5. How can you support and encourage each other in your journey to love Jesus more deeply?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Deny or Confirm

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