
Summary: This sermon aligns with Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, emphasizing Sabbath-keeping, the Three Angels’ Messages, and readiness for Christ’s return, while staying rooted in John 21:15-19. It’s designed for approximately a 30-minute delivery with a conversational, yet reverent tone.


Greetings, church family, visitors and those watching online now or in the future! Happy Sabbath and what a privilege it is to gather here on this holy day, the day set apart by the Creator, to worship Him, to reflect on His Word but mostly to spend time with Him and build on our relationship with Him.

Today, we’re going to turn to John 21:15-19 — a passage that stirs the soul and challenges us to examine our love for Jesus. Picture this: the disciples are by the Sea of Galilee after Jesus’ resurrection. They’ve seen Him crucified, buried, and risen, yet here they are fishing, perhaps wondering what’s next. Then Jesus appears on the shore, cooks them breakfast, and calls Peter aside. By a charcoal fire, He asks a piercing question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Let’s read John 21:17 “The third time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the question three times and on the third time that Jesus asked, ‘Do you love me?’ Peter said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’

This isn’t just a conversation between Jesus and Peter—it’s a message for us, here and today, God’s remnant people, living in the last days. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe we’re called to proclaim the everlasting gospel and prepare the world for Christ’s soon return. But it all starts here, with this question: “Do you love me?” Today, we’ll explore three truths from this passage: The Depth of Our Love, The Duty of Our Service, and The Destiny of Our Faith.

Let Us Pray

“Heavenly Father, bless us this Sabbath as we open Your Word. Speak to us, that we may love and serve You faithfully. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I Pray! Amen.”

Point 1: The Depth of Our Love

First, let’s consider that question Jesus asks Peter: “Do you love me?” He asks it three times, and by the third time, Peter’s exasperated and hurt. Why three times? You know the story—Peter denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. By another fire, he said, “I don’t know Him!” Now, by this fire, Jesus restores him, asking three times to match those three denials. It’s a beautiful picture of grace. But there’s more. Jesus calls him “Simon son of John,” not “Peter,” the rock. He’s peeling back the layers, getting to the heart of who Peter is.

In the Greek, Jesus first asks, “Do you agape me?”— agape is a selfless, sacrificial love, the kind that God shows us. A love that doesn’t require anything in return. Peter replies, “I phileo you”—a warm, friendly love. By the third time, Jesus uses phileo too, meeting Peter where he is. “Simon, do you even have any affection for me?” Peter says, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus does know—Remember that He sees our hearts, just as He saw Peter’s.

As Adventists, we understand love for God isn’t just a feeling—it’s a commitment. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” That includes the fourth commandment, honoring this, the Sabbath day, which is a sign of our loyalty to Him as Creator and Redeemer. But it’s more than just rules and regulations—it’s a heart surrendered to Him. Peter’s love was tested by failure, yet Jesus didn’t give up on him. Maybe we’ve failed too—maybe we’ve denied Him in our words or our actions. The good news is, He’s asking us today, “Do you love me?” Not to condemn us, but to restore us.

Ellen White writes in The Desire of Ages, “The question that Christ had put to Peter was significant. He mentioned only one condition of discipleship and service. “Lovest thou Me?” He asked. This is the essential qualification. Though Peter might possess every other, yet without the love of Christ he could not be a faithful shepherd over the Lord's flock. Knowledge, benevolence, eloquence, gratitude, and zeal are all aids in the good work; but without the love of Jesus in the heart, the work of the Christian minister is a failure.

“True love is not merely a sentiment or an emotion. It is a living principle, a principle that is manifest in action. True love, wherever it exists, will control the life. Thus it is with the love of God. "God is love;" and in all His works, in all His dealings with mankind, His character is revealed.” Sister White reminds us in How God’s Love is Manifested, Part 1. Does our love for Jesus show in how we live? In how we keep His Sabbath? In how we treat others? He knows all things—He’s asking us to go deeper.

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