
Summary: A lot of folks think the Christian life is like the game children play, called “Hide and Seek”.

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Even older teens sometimes enjoy playing this game.

However sometimes older teens they cheat when they play this game.

Let me explain…

Illus: For example, did you hear about the teenage girl that said to her boy friend, “Let’s play Hide and Seek.”

• He said, “How do you play it?”

• She said “It is simple. I will hide and you try to find me, and if you do I will give you a kiss.”

• But he said, "What if I can't find you?"

• She said, "I'll be behind the piano in the corner."

Little kids, big kids, everyone enjoys playing “Hide and Seek.”

But listen, when it comes to FINDING GOD this is not a game that God play with us.

God wants US TO FIND HIM.

I can assure you, based on the Word of God, He does not play this game with us.


Wouldn’t it be tragic if a person sincerely wanted to find God in their life and He was hiding and they couldn’t find Him?


If you are a Christian he already FOUND YOU and now He wants you to FIND HIM!!!

But let me ask you a question, “If you found Him, would you recognize that He is the God of the Bible?


Because when some folks talk about the God they serve I cannot find this God in the Bible.

The god they serve is a figment of their imagination!!!

Let me give you two examples…

(1)For example, they refer to the God they serve as the “Man upstairs!”

You cannot find such a god in the Bible!!!

He is not a MAN He is the almighty:

• Omniscient God of the Bible!!!

• Omnipresent God of the Bible!!!

• Omnipotent God of the Bible!!!

This is the God of the Bible!!!!

The god they serve is no more than a figment of their imagination of a MAN UPSTAIRS.

Such a god does not exist in the Word of God.

(2) Others when they talk about the God they serve is a god that you can fool the same way you can fool mortal man.

You cannot find such a god in the Bible!!!

Such a god does not exist in the Word of God.

Let me illustrate…

Illus: Did you hear about the woodcutter that was cutting a branch of a tree above a river and his ax fell into the river?

When he began crying, God appeared to him and said to him...

• "Why are you crying?" The woodcutter told Him that he had dropped his ax into water.

• God went down into the water and reappeared with a golden ax.

• "Is this your ax?", God asked.

• "No"

• God again went down and came up with a silver ax.

• "Is this your ax?", God asked.

• "No".

• God went down again and came up with an iron ax.

• "Is this your ax?", God asked.

• "Yes".

• God was so pleased with the man's honesty and gave him all three axes. The woodcutter went home happily.

A few days later…

• The man was walking with his wife by the same river. She was noted to be the ugliest woman in the county. But it so happens, as they were walking she fell into the river.

• When he began crying, God appeared to him again and asked, "Why are you crying?"

• He said, "My wife has fallen into river."

• God went down into the water and came up with the prettiest woman in the county.

• "Is this your wife?", God asked.

• “Yes, I believe it is!”

There are people who think they can fool God the same way they fool mortal man. But I am here to tell you they do not know the God of the Bible.

When you get to know the God of this Bible, you find you can not FOOL GOD!


Psalm 139 is a wonderful Psalm for those who are looking to come to know the God of the Bible.

Let’s look at some of the attributes of God that we find in this Psalm.

In the next few weeks I will be preaching from Psalm 139 so that we can come to know the GOD OF THE BIBLE.

First, let’s look at-


Look at verses 1-6, we read, “O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.”

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