
Do You Have Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 12, 2024
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This sermon encourages believers to foster their faith, witness its power, and use it to overcome life's challenges, as taught in Matthew 17:20-21.


Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We gather here today, bound by our shared love for our Savior and the Word that guides us on our walk with Him. We come together, not as individuals, but as a community, a family of believers, united in our faith and our purpose.

Today, we turn to the book of Matthew, specifically Matthew 17:20-21. These verses carry a message of profound significance, a message that resonates with the very core of our Christian faith. It speaks to us about the power of faith, the fruitfulness of faith, and facing challenges with faith.

Allow me to read the verses for us, "He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.'"

These verses remind us of the power that faith can harness. We are encouraged to foster our faith, to nurture it like a precious seed, and in doing so, we will witness the miraculous fruitfulness of faith. Moreover, we are reminded of the importance of facing challenges with faith. In our lives, we will encounter mountains, obstacles that seem insurmountable. But with faith, these mountains can be moved.

Fostering Faith

As we look at the mustard seed, we see something small, something seemingly insignificant. Yet, within this tiny seed is the potential for great growth. It's a reminder to us that faith, even when it starts small, can grow into something extraordinary. It's not about the size of our faith when we start, but the potential for growth that lies within it.

We often think of faith as something we either have or don't have. But faith, like a mustard seed, needs to be nurtured and cared for. It needs to be watered with the Word of God, it needs to be exposed to the light of His love, and it needs to be rooted in the fertile soil of a heart that is open and receptive to God's truth. When we take the time to nurture our faith, to spend time in God's Word, to pray, to seek His guidance, we give our faith the opportunity to grow. We give it the chance to become stronger, to become more resilient, to become more deeply rooted in our hearts and lives.

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But nurturing our faith is not just about personal growth. It's also about the impact we can have on the world around us. When our faith is strong, when it is deeply rooted, it can influence others. It can be a source of encouragement, of hope, of love. It can be a beacon of light in a world that is often dark and confusing.

The mustard seed, though small, can grow into a large tree. Our faith, though it may start small, can grow into something that has a significant impact on the world around us. It's not about the size of our faith, but the potential for growth that lies within it.

The mustard seed doesn't grow overnight. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes care. Our faith is the same. It won't grow overnight. It will take time. It will take patience. It will take care. But the end result, a faith that is strong, that is deeply rooted, that can influence others, is worth the effort.

Fruitfulness of Faith

As we consider the fruitfulness of faith, we are drawn to the imagery of the mustard seed in our key scripture ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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