
Summary: God is bigger than our difficulties.

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John 6:1-13

S: God’s Provision

Th: Prayer: A Passion for His Presence


?: Inductive

KW: Movements

TS: In our text today, we will reveal three movements during the event of the feeding of the 5,000 (that demonstrate God multiplies the little we offer).

The ____ movement is…

I. PURSUIT (1-2)

II. PROBLEM (3-10)


Version: ESV

RMBC 19 May 02 AM


1. Have you ever noticed our fascination with food?

ILL Notebook: Eat (Balt. Ravens)

Charles Spence’s son was a Baltimore Ravens season-ticket holder, and he thought taking his seven-year-old daughter to a game would be a good bonding experi-ence. But once there, she found the food vendors much more enticing than what was taking place on the field, so his son bought her one kind of junk food after another.

As the fourth quarter began, the Ravens were far behind, and much of the crowd had already left. One seat down, though, sat another season-ticket holder. “I’m surprised you’re still here,” Spence’s son said to him during a timeout.

“I can’t bear to leave yet,” the fan replied. “I’ve got to see just how much one little girl can eat.”

Have you noticed that some people can really eat a lot?

Now, many of you know that the Decker family tends to grow our children on the small side.

But you wouldn’t always know that by the way they eat.

At times, they can really put it away, especially JJ when it comes to lasagna.

I mean he eats it like Garfield, not that it stays with him too well (though I sense that someday it may!).

In today’s passage, a fascinating miracle about food takes place.

It is commonly called “The feeding of the 5000.”

2. It is also fascinating to observe the magnitude of the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 for it causes it to be found in all four gospels.

Today, we consider John’s account, which has some details that the other three left out.

Nevertheless, it is a breathtaking story; so let’s watch it unfold…

3. In our text today, we will identify three movements that will enable us to understand the significance of this miracle.


I. The first movement is PURSUIT (1-2).

[1] After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. [2] And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick.

Have you ever been so tired that you are just not sure you can go on?

ILL Notebook: Rest (Let Sleeping Dogs Lie)

A woman was in the backyard hanging the laundry when an old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. She could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. But when she walked into the house, the dog followed her, sauntered down the hall and fell asleep in a corner. An hour later, he went to the door, and she let him out. The next day he was back. He resumed his position in the hallway and slept for an hour.

This continued for several weeks. Curious, she pinned a note to his collar:

"Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap."

The next day the dog arrived with a different note pinned to his collar:

"He lives in a home with 10 children - he’s trying to catch up on his sleep."

Well, we know from the other texts…

1. Jesus was looking for a break.

He wanted to get to a lonely place to get some rest.

They were all trying to get away.

People had been following them incessantly and though they tried to get away, they had been unsuccessful.

Jesus was looking for a break, but He did not get one.

The people kept coming.

It is here that the remarkable difference of Jesus shows up.

If it had been you or me, we would have sent the people away.

But not Jesus.

In Mark’s version of the event (6:34), we find this…

When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.

2. Jesus had compassion on a broken people (cf. Mark 6:34).

John reveals their motivation.

Jesus had been doing such great miracles, they kept following because they did not want to miss the tremendous excitement of the “signs.”

But Jesus sees their need.

They are broken.

They need help.

They need a Shepherd.

Which brings us to…

II. The second movement is PROBLEM (3-10).

[3] Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. [4] Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand. [5] Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” [6] He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.

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