
Summary: God has designed that everyone would be blessed through the role played by others who can be described as helpers of destiny.

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Divine Blessings through Destiny Helpers.

Study Text: 2 Kings 5: 1-8


- Only God can raise and bless men, but He does it through other men. Divine help get to someone through the channel of another person. Such a person can be referred to as Destiny Helpers.

- Your ability to identify, embrace, value, appreciate, locate and celebrate the people that God has assigned to help you is critical to your destiny fulfilment.

- Some people struggle through life not because they lack skills or talent but because they are far from their destiny helpers. The journey to destiny fulfilment will be easier and successful through the input of people that are critical to our destination at different points and stages of the journey.

- God didn't arrange for Naaman to die as a leper, but this blessing must come through the slave girl who gave divine information.

- A destiny helper does not have to be great, rich, popular, educated, only need to be what is needed in the role that he has been divinely arranged to play.

1. The Categories of Destiny Helpers

- You need to identify these categories of destiny helpers and position yourself strategically to get the best out of them.

1. The Connectors:

- These are the people that have the connections and contacts that are critical to your destiny fulfilment. The slave girl here is a good example.

- There is a strong connection between your character the and the opportunities that you will be exposed to in life.

2. The Role Models and Mentors:

- These are the people that have the quality, experience and exposure that you need to fulfil your destiny.

- Your faithfulness and submissiveness in the relationship will determine the best you can get.

- Examples include Joshua and Moses, Elisha and Elijah, Timothy and Paul. They were all helped in a bi-directional way.

3. The Sponsors:

- These are the people that God has ordained to fund your dreams either as a whole or in parts.

- They may function as a one-off, occasionally or on regular support.

- They can sponsor an event in your life or support a project in your hands. Joseph of Arimathea sponsored the burial of Jesus.

4. The Recommenders:

- These are people that can recommend you in places where you are not known or your own voice cannot be heard.

- David enjoyed this blessing, likewise Joseph. No matter how good you are at what you do, there are people who will never get to know you unless you are recommended.

- Knowing people that can recommend you for the right places will always give you a significant edge in life.

5. The Intercessors:

- These are people supporting you in prayers for the fulfilment of God’s plan and purpose for your life.

- Your journey to fulfill purpose and destiny need to be powered by other people’s prayers. In the Bible, the Devil wanted to make a mess of Peter’s ministry, but Jesus told him that He had already prayed for him.

6. The Overseers:

- These are people who take spiritual oversight over your life. They pray for you, prophesy into your life, counsel you and encourage you in the word of God.

- They are honoured and respected to be able to stop or change certain decisions or attitude in your life for your blessings.

7. The Partners:

- The choice of the person you will spend the rest of your life with is actually a destiny decision.

- Getting married changes your life in profound ways.

- They may also include partners in business, ministry or other areas. Planning your future around a partner with no future ambition can frustrate your destiny.

- We have the example of Aquila and Priscilla in marriage, and Paul and Barnabas in ministry.

8. The Persecutors:

- This is on a negative side. They are people who actually set out to do you evil unknown to them that God is working out their evil works for your blessings.

- We have the examples of Joseph, Obededum, Hannah, Mordecai.

2. The Reasons to Pray about Destiny Helpers.

- There are several reasons we all need to pray concerning the matters of destiny helpers. Some of these include:

1. Everyone needs destiny helpers to be able to go fast and go far in the journey of fulfilling divine purpose and destiny.

2. The Devil can block your access to or connection with your destiny helpers.

3. The Devil can attack your destiny helpers and make them incapable or unavailable for the divine assignment.

- For instance, the attack on Jesus and His desciples with deadly storm when crossing to the other side was to hinder the blessings of the mad man of Gadarene. Mark 4: 35 - 41. Mark 5: 1 - 10

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