Discovering Our Future
Contributed by Dr. Ronnie Grizzle on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Exhorts Christians and the church to look at the future and develop a plan to work with God for the Kingdom. Is shows how the Devil will try to hinder this progress.
MATTHEW 4:1-11
February 11, 2007
Thompson Creek Baptist Church
As I was trying to put together the thoughts for today, I kept thinking about the team that has been put together by God in our church.
We all want to know what the future holds. I feel it is very important for us as a church to be concerned about the future and to create vision for our future and from that vision we would get our mission
And from our mission form goals and then strategies to meet the goals. It is also important for us as individual Christians to do the same thing.
In order for us to truly be able to discover our future we must first realize that every one of us in some shape form or fashion as Christians have been called to ministry of some type.
And to truly be successful right now and in the future we must realize as a church and as individuals that a call to ministry involves nothing less than total commitment.
When I say total commitment, I mean just that. We must be committed to the ministry 110% to see it through to the very end, no matter what the cost, and never take any short cuts, because short cuts in the end cost you dearly.
There are three areas where the devil will tempt us in our ministry to take short cuts, and time constrains me this morning to go into great detail, but I want to get you to thinking about these things this morning.
First in vv. 1-4 the Physical realm. Physical comfort is always a great testing ground.
In verse 3 If = Since. Satan says “since you are the Son of God—Satan knew full well who Jesus was…he also knew that Jesus was physically weak—he does the same thing to us.
He catches us at our weakest point. He offered Jesus a short-cut to get rid of his discomfort—his hunger.
Let’s look at Jesus’ response to Satan in v 4. He shows us two things
1--God’s will is more important than physical needs
2--If we are obedient then God will provide. Jesus knew that v. 11 was just around the corner.
Secondly in vv 5-7 there is the Mental realm.
Satan tempted Jesus to do something sensational to try and reach the people. Satan knew that if the people saw Jesus Christ fall and the angels rescue him that it would become a circus.
Satan knew that the sensational always plays to a humans ego. He was tempting Jesus to go for the gusto.
He does the same thing today. Shoot for the moon. What have you got to lose.
People today still want sensationalism
Survivor, Fear Factor, Reality TV, Deal or No Deal, Murder Headlines
Do you think TV will ever stop entertaining the goats and start feeding the sheep?
Jesus refused to give up his commitment to ministry. He knew His Fathers vision, He knew His mission, He knew the goal, and the strategy to reach the cross. He was not going to take his eye off the mark.
Thirdly, in verses 8-11 we see the Spiritual realm. Satan had tried to get Jesus on the physical and mental level, and failed, but maybe because he was so weak and hungry, he would be weak spiritually.
This is what it all boils down to. A choice between God and Satan.
Jesus had already determined to submit to God.
Satan offered Jesus Christ what was already His through the Cross. Folks, whatever your ministry is, whatever your vision is, whether it is a new building, a new bus, a larger crowd on Sunday or Wednesday—
You can only do it through God. You cannot attempt it on your own and succeed. And when it comes to Church—
It has to be a team effort. God put this team at Thompson Creek Baptist Church together for a reason.
It is up to us to discover our future together and working for God succeed in what He has called us to do.
Discovering Our Future = Being Totally Committed to Ministry
1. You will be successful in Ministry when you let God determine your call and not yourself.
2. We must know where God’s word Stops and our opinion starts
3. To make an impact for Jesus Christ you must determine to pay any Cost.