
Summary: What can we learn from a life limiting condition or any kind of impairment? Outline from Percy McCray of Health, Hope and Inspiration at:


We can learn something about a person’s values by reading their bumper stickers. I’ll start them and you try to finish them- some are twisted

Where there’s a will... I want to be in it; He who laughs last... thinks slowest.

If you can read this... I’m not impressed. Most people can read

I think... therefore I’m single; Marriage is grand... divorce is 100 grand;

Honk if you... are Jesus; In case of rapture... Can I have your car?

My other car is... rocket powered; I brake 4... bacon wrapped hot dogs ; God is my... co pilot


Being impaired has a way of putting things into perspective. Our true priorities emerge.

Suppose a family is shopping at the mall. Suddenly, the parents realize that one of the kids has wandered off. They quickly look around. There are people everywhere. The stores are jam-packed. They do not see the child anywhere. The child was there a moment ago and now he is missing. He has completely vanished. Whatever their plans had been, they instantly change. Finding that new pair of shoes has to wait. It no longer matters what else they needed, what else they had to do, or how big a hurry they were in. They stop what they were doing. They clear their schedules. They quickly gather up the other kids and get to work on the task at hand. Now they have a new priority; find that child. A life limiting diagnosis or condition can bring this same kind of focus and clarity into someone’s life. Suddently other things become less important. This is now the priority; dealing with the challenges this impairment brings.

Read Ephesians 5:15-17

When we face any kind of serious crisis- when “the days are evil”- the Bible encourages us to use this time wisely and to benefit from this season of reorientation. We should “walk circumspectly” and learn to keep everything that happens in perspective- so that “the things which cannot be shaken may remain” Hebrews 12:27.

Thesis: What can we learn from a life limiting condition or any kind of impairment?

For instances:

I. Redeem the time- vs. 16

Life is too precious for us to waste the time we have been given. In reality, this is true for all of us. We should participate only in the things that matter and add value to our lives. Time rushes past so quickly! Why waste a day or even an hour of the time that remains? We should fully invest ourselves in that which honors God, love others and contributes to everyone’s overall well being- and leave the rest until later, or don’t do it at all.

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13, NIV. God will give us strength to do what is worth doing. Fulfilled the last wishes of patients- Reds game, Comic-con, National Museum of the US Air Force, trips to the Ark in Dry Ridge

KJV- walk circumspectly- Amplified- Walk carefully (living life with honor, purpose, courage)

We do this by giving careful consideration to our circumstances and our actions, while being mindful of the possible consequences. Regardless of the amount of time any of us have left, we want to make every day count.

Unable to do what I want to do! When talking about hospice patients, need to conserve energy for things that are important- usually friends and family that come to visit

Although we are free in Christ, Paul reminds us that not everything is beneficial (1 Corinthians 10:23). In Romans 12:11, he tells us to “use your energy to serve the Lord” (God’s Word Translation). That’s the best way we can use our limited energy. Don’t waste our limited energy on things that won’t matter in the long run. If we recognize that we don’t have enough time or energy to do what God wants us to do, something has to go. Unable to keep adding things, must cut something out. Don’t keep adding on.

Keep everything balanced?- don’t hold to that anymore. In the TV series 7th heaven, Grandmother Ruth said to her granddaughter Lucy when Lucy was trying to keep her schedule balanced, “I don’t think that is possible. Oh, please everyone is talking about balance these days, and what for. I think that balance is way over rated. I don’t even see why it is an issue. Did your father ever think about balance while raising a family and working? No. Did your grandfather? No. So why is it an issue at all? If you ask me I think it is even a luxury to even worry about such things.” “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33, NIV.

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