
Summary: You can start filling your pit with your faith and praise, you can praise your way out, you can shout your way out, you can dance your way out, you can run your way out, you can fill your pit with praise.

I. It all started with a dream!

A. Joseph was loved above all Jacob’s children; so much so that he was given a coat of many colors that set him apart from the others. Because of his father’s love and favor for Joseph he was hated by his brothers.

1. Let me say here that favor will cause others to be jealous. When God places his favor on you others can’t help but notice. Favor will take you from background to forefront, down and out to up and coming, from borrowing to lending and obscurity to notoriety. When a man has favor he can take a rod and open the sea, … the jawbone, …sling and stone…, hook and catch tax.

B. At the age of 17 Joseph would have 2 dreams; in the first dream he saw bound sheaves in a field. His sheaf arose and stood upright while his brothers’ sheaves bowed down to it. In the second dream he saw the sun, moon, and eleven stars (representing his father, mother and brothers) bowing to him. After he tells the dreams; his brothers hate him because of the meaning that he would be exalted.

2. Ro 12:15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. It is a sad thing that family and for that matter church family can’t rejoice when God blesses someone else. That’s a problem we got in the church when God starts blessing others there are those that want to condemn and speak negatively about them. They can’t rejoice with them they can’t be happy them. Paul tells us in 1 Thess. “Rejoice evermore.” That means in all things keep the joy. When God blesses someone else rejoice. God is no respecter of persons if he can do it for them he can do it for you. Be happy when others get theirs cause you may be next in line.

C. Shortly after the dreams; Joseph is sent to check on his brothers. When they see him coming they conspired against him saying, “Here comes the dreamer. Let’s kill him then we shall see what will become of his dreams!” They throw him into a pit to die. After they throw him into the pit they sit down to eat and Judah has a change of heart and decides that instead of killing him they can still get rid of him and make a little something…something for their troubles.

1. Again there are those that just want to kill someone’s dream. It is sad to say but there are people that will do whatever they can to side line someone’s dream, even in the Church.

D. I want to talk to real people that feel disappointed by their dream. I am talking to those of you that God has made you a promise, shown you a few things, and then went silent on you. Joseph story is one of those that people can find comfort in because it is a relatable story. His story has spoken to countless generations of dreamers and promise holders. How many of you can relate to Joseph? God gives you something, shows you the end result, but there are struggles. The Bible says in Pr 13:12 ¶ Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life. Right now you’re just sick and as far as you are concerned that tree was cut down.

1. When we read the story of Joseph there are some things that cannot be denied, it looked like Joseph had it all, he was chosen by God, anointed by God, had a destiny given by God, was favored by his earthly and heavenly Father, there was no denying it; God was with Joseph. That sounds like a winning combination, judging from that criteria it would look like Joseph had it made, it would seem as though he was living it up. He is voted most popular, most likely to succeed by his peers. You would expect to find him on TV shows like Made and Cribs.

a. But when we read the Bible we find out that this same Joseph who had it; one day finds himself in a pit. I want to stop here for just a minute and tell you; if somebody told you when you became a Christian that all your problems would be over, and that you would never be hurt again, you would never cry again, you would never suffer again…They Lied! Mt 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Ps 34:19 Many [are] the afflictions of the righteous: Joh 16:33 In the world ye shall have tribulation:

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