
Summary: The lie of the devil is a person can never escape his clutches. Yet it doesn't matter how deep into darkness we have gone, Jesus provides us away of escape at the Cross.

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Lately within the entertainment industry we have heard from numerous entertainers that have confessed to selling their souls to the Devil. The motivation has been to gain some sort of worldly advantage; success, fame and ultimate self glory. Now such a practice is older than sin itself and has affected people through out all time. In fact Adam and Eve where the first to make such a deal.

When Adam and Eve sinned, their actions created a separation from God. As the glory of God left them, so too did the godly compass that once inspired them to make right choices. The absence of God’s goodness and holy character brought about self-awareness and as a result, self centered motives began to dominate man’s life style. Selfish reasoning and a distorted perspective became the barometer for what they would deem as “just the way life works”. This caused Adam and Eve to lose touch with reality and their pursuits, both natural and spiritual, suffered for it. It was the spiritual side of man that caused the most concern. Without a proper connection with the Spirit of God, he looked for another spiritual master.

The First Substitute Savior

Prior to the fall and possibly before the earth was actually perfected, God was forced to bring judgment upon an angelic creature who sought to raise himself up as equal with God. This creature is known by many names, all of which reveal various aspects of his character. So let’s look at some of these traits that have been allowed to mold man’s perceptions of life but also seduced us along the way.

The Serpent’s Created Form

Originally the Serpent had been given attributes that described his potential as a heavenly being. These characteristics included the following:

• He is a spirit being who moves through spiritual and natural realms.

• He is an angel and displays angelic glory.

• He is great in power and intelligence.

• He does not reproduce so he remains genderless.

• He organizes by rank.

• He once reflected the glory of heaven and even had a capacity to worship God.

Mankind is often charmed by these angelic qualities and though the Serpent tempts us with his unique traits, these things become a destructive force which denies mankind true life and liberty.

One other characteristic not mentioned above; the Serpent has also been given freewill. If you have ever wondered how God could make a creature that became so evil, then please consider that it had to do with this universal attribute. Freewill permits us to make choices that move us towards God or allow us to walk away from Him. As this angelic creature walked away from God it left him spiritually dark and void; a dynamic that has also infected mankind.

The Serpent’s Fallen Qualities

The Serpent also has additional qualities which have influenced man in the negative. Even as the Bible reveals to us God’s qualities based on His many Names, a similar dynamic reveals the Serpent by his own titles. Lucifer, the Prince of the power of the Air, the Guardian cherub, the Father of lies, and the Accuser of the Brethren are all titles which reveal certain aspects of his fallen character. Mankind remains an easy target for many of these fallen attributes since we were all born under the influence of the world system.


“Lucifer” means “light-bearer” or “shining one” and this explains why scripture says he can manifest as an angel of light. In fact it is his intended purpose to hide many of his agendas in light. This can be described as initially creating a smoke screen of seemingly good and positive intentions. Yet what actually unfolds is a spiritual seduction, a manipulation of the senses, which offers man a fleshy way to be saved. This is what fueled Adam and Eve’s choice to rebel in the garden in the first place; it “felt right” or it “looked good” to them. As they surrendered to the light of the Serpent’s seduction, it was a powerful delusion, one that still remains captivating today.

Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

The Prince of the Power of the Air

The many references in scripture to heaven and heavenly realms, places the Serpent’s airy domain right in the middle. (For the purpose of our study we will refer to this realm as “second heaven”.) This spiritual zone resides between God’s throne in heaven; (third heaven, 2 Cor. 12:2) and Adam’s physical place of dominion which is subject to the earth and sky (first heaven Revelation 21:1).

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