This sermon will explore the devotion of the early church, particularly focusing on their commitment to teaching, and how modern believers can emulate this devotion in their own faith lives.
Welcome church! Today, we are beginning a new four-week series together called Devoted. Throughout this series we’re going to look into the lives and routines of the early church as seen in Acts 2:42-47. As you may know, the early church understood something about gathering together that churches and communities of faith have been modeling for hundreds of years. I would argue that the “secret” to their success came down to one thing… devotion.
The word devotion or devoted is a powerful one. It means, to consistently show strength which prevails (In spite of difficulties), to endure, to persist, to stay in a fixed direction; Steadfast. Loyal. The early church was unwaveringly devoted in their commitment to gathering together, and Acts 2:42 highlights 4 specific things they did when they got together.
In this passage we learn how the earliest church was devoted and committed to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. In fact, these 4 specific elements continue to be key pieces of church services to this very day.
You see, the things we are devoted to will define who we are. And the church that formed just after the death and resurrection of Christ was absolutely devoted to their faith. In fact, their faith has defined them for centuries as we constantly look to their example for inspiration and instruction.
The things we are devoted to will define who we are.
The specific gift of teaching is found throughout the New Testament. At the beginning of Jesus' ministry we learn from the gospel of Matthew that he “went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. (Matthew 4:23)” Teaching was a key component of Jesus’ ministry. Later, in the book of Ephesians, Paul includes teachers as gifts given by God for the equipping of the church.
Teachers help lead us to unity, maturity, and fullness of faith. Our goal, through teaching and training, is nothing short of the fullness of Christ.
The reward of good teaching is learning ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium