Deliverance From Uncertainty
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To lead the people to understand that just as God delivered baby Moses so His almighty power can deliver us from any uncertainty.
Unit 16 – Deliverance From Egypt
Lesson 44 – A Baby in a Basket – Exodus 1:1-2:10
Preparation for the Teacher
1.Aim: To lead the people to understand that just as God delivered baby Moses so His almighty power can deliver us from any uncertainty.
2. Explanation of the Aim: God can deliver people from all kinds of hardships, adversity or insecurity when we trust Him with our whole heart. The Lord orchestrated people, events and situations to see that Moses was delivered into the safe care of Pharaoh’s daughter to accomplish His greater purposes for the people of God. Allow the Lord to bring you through all kinds of trouble so He can work His will in and through your life.
3. The Bible Story: When Moses was born the king of Egypt ordered that all male Jewish babies be immediately put to death. The king wanted to destroy the people of God but was thwarted in many ways. The God fearing Jewish midwives ignored the king’s order and let the male people live. They said, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” (Ex. 1:19)
When Moses’ Mother gave birth to her son, she hid him for three months. But when she could not hide him anymore from the evil King’s eye she got a papyrus basket and placed the child in it and put it among the reeds of the Nile. Soon the Pharaoh’s daughter saw the basket and sent her slave girl to retrieve it for her. Quickly, Moses’ mother was summoned to nurse the child and Pharaoh’s daughter paid her for the services of caring for the infant. Pharaoh’s daughter called Moses her son. God thwarts any evil attempts to destroy his people who are doing His will. The Lord promises to deliver those who trust in Him and His infallible word.
4. Prepare to Teach: The INTRODUCTION is used to help the people consider what it means to trust in God’s deliverance (To be rescued from danger, harm or insecurity). Find out if any of the people have ever seen a person rescued from danger or difficulty? Ask the people if they know how God delivered Moses from great danger and distress? Briefly explain how the Lord delivers us from sin, hell and judgement through saving faith in the Jesus Christ our Lord. The BIBLE STORY explains how the Lord delivered baby Moses from the waters of the Nile. God can use anyone to perform His mighty works since He is the Sovereign King. Learn to pray and believe that the Lord will deliver you in a way that will enable you to accomplish everything He asks you to do. The MEANING FOR OUR LIVES gives the people several opportunities to make applications from the lesson. Find out if the people can explain how God deliver baby Moses from death? Ask the people if they know why the Lord use Pharaoh’s daughter to deliver Moses from certain death? Why does God allow difficulties to come into the lives of His people? Ask the people how God is able to rescue us from any difficulty, adversity or predicament?
CLASS TIME (Begin With Prayer)
Ask the people what it means to trust in God’s deliverance (To be rescued from danger, harm or insecurity). Why is it important for us to realize that throughout the Old Testament the word salvation can be used interchangeably with deliverance? Ask the people if they know how God delivered Moses from terrible dangers and distress? Briefly explain how the Lord delivers us from sin, hell and judgement. Briefly describe how the God delivers us from hell through saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible Story
Moses was born at a time when Egypt had become a house of bondage for the Jews. Be careful that the place where some people think they are happiest may soon become a place of affliction. Realize that our only truly safe place will be found in heaven. David wrote, “In your presence is fullness of joy and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.” (Psa. 16:11)
Pharaoh became angry, envious and resentful at the fact that the people of God prospered in the land of Egypt. When we prosper be sure that others will hate us out of a feeling of envy. Oppression soon swept over the Jews because of the bitter jealousy of Pharaoh. The Egyptians feared that the people of Israel should join their enemies, and force them up out of their own land. Wickedness is always cowardly and unjust. Evil makes a person fear, where no fear is, and run when no one is pursuing. The wicked king set out to repress the people of Israel. God’s people had task-masters set over them, not only to burden them, but to afflict them with their burdens. They not only made them serve for Pharaoh’s profit, but their lives became bitter. Yet, the Israelites wonderfully increased. Christianity often spreads most when it was persecuted. The blood of the martyrs has been called the seed of the church. Let us serve notice that whoever plots against the Lord and His people will bring great pain and calamity upon themselves