
Summary: To share how to live without allowing our worries to run our lives.

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I want to start this morning’s message off by passing out a visual aid to you. Balloons!

In a moment I am going to read a list of stressful situation. Each time you hear a situation similar to one you experienced in the past week, blow a deep breath into your balloon. Don’t let any of the air out until I tell you.

Some of your balloons may pop before I am finished reading the list and that’s okay. Here’s the list.

1.Got into an argument with a family member.

2.Got an unexpected bill. Worried about finances.

3.Car broke down.

4.Failed at something.

5.Broke a Commandment.

6.Felt afraid.

7. Felt hurt by someone’s actions.

8.Felt like giving up on someone or something.

9.Worried about something.

10.Worried that I was worrying too much.

Okay, those of you that still has your balloon in contact. Hold them up and remember to not let any air out until I tell you. Look around, notice the different sizes. These balloons represent our stress levels. We all get stress from various sources don’t we? But there is always one place we can go to find relief when we feel stressed: directly into the arms of God. Listen to what our Scripture says:

Matthew 11: 28-30 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Okay let you balloons go!!!!!!!!! Let’s Pray

Worry is the number joy stealer in life, it is a thief. Worry diminishes the benefits, the hopes and dreams of many people because it robs us of clear thinking and faith walking.

Maybe even now as we worship together, many of us are unable to concentrate and fully give ourselves to God this morning because our minds are drifting to the problems and worries that we have.

How can we let go of the worry in our lives and start living? How can we let go and allow it to fly away like our balloons?

First of all, I believe we must recognize that ……

I.Worry attacks both the strong and the weak.

A.Did you know that worry is a product of the human condition we call sin?

1.What we need to realize that no matter how strong our faith is in Jesus, worry is out to get us!

2.Just because we are believers in Jesus does not guarantee a worry free life. When sin entered the world it did more than just separate us from God – sin stole our confidence. It made us question God’s intentions for us.

3.Even now when things do not go as we had hoped or planed, how do we speak to God? We ask Him why. Why have you not given me a job? Why have you not restored my marriage? Why have you not rescued me from my financial distress? Why have you not taken my illness from me? Why God? Why?

Illustration: These are questions of confidence. The average person’s worry is focused on 40% of things that will never happen… 30% of things about the past that can’t be changed… 12% of things relating to the criticism by others, mostly untrue… 10% about health, which gets worse with stress and 8% about real problems that will be faced.

4.Worry is the product of the human condition and everybody worries to some degree. The challenge God gives us is to Come to Him, all you

who are weary and burdened, and He will give us rest.

B.Worry also breeds in an environment of insecurity and uncertainty.

1.It is like the germs that are all around us. The body’s immune system is constantly trying to fight them off – so too our faith must fight and wage war on worry.

2.Germs require favorable conditions in order to breed and grow. Eliminate those conditions and you control the spread of germs. If we eliminate the environment of insecurity and uncertainty in our life then we too can control the spread of worry in our life.

3.We may not be able to completely eliminate it – to eradicate it but we can sure mow it down to size!

4.Remember who you are in Jesus! You are a child of the King; Blood bought and nothing can take you away from Him.

5.Worry is faith in the negative, trust in the unpleasant, assurance of disaster and belief in defeat. Worry is wasting today’s time to clutter up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s trouble.

6.Speak the name of Jesus over your areas of insecurity. Take your authority over the realm of uncertainty and remember “greater things you shall do in Jesus name because you believe!”

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