
Summary: God’s ability to clean house

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There is a great truth that we are to confront in life, things that we would like to ignore and things we would like to forget but we just cannot. Mishaps, mistakes, bad decisions, maybe areas of hatred, anger, resentment, un-forgiveness, maybe there might be areas of fear, anxiety, worry, doubt or unbelief, whether we recognize these areas or not as clutter they are. Yes we will have moments of mistakes and maybe decisions that were not favorable to us in our lives but your past failures do not and will not or cannot determine who you are called to be in Christ Jesus.

“This is the definition of clutter: things that exist in your outer life to distract you from the inner things that you're avoiding. If you avoid something, it grows.... The great thing is, the reverse is also true: when you honestly look at something, it shrinks. When you see the situation for what it is, bypassing the emotional layers that colored it and made it into a clutter monster, it becomes simple. That's how peaceful clutter busting is. You're honestly looking at each layer of distraction, questioning the thing, letting it go, and realizing what's underneath.

Beloved God is the author of good things, God is the creator of things that are good, when He created the Earth and all within He looked at it and said it is good. When He created you He said it is good, and now the good has now made some decisions that have caused a great distraction and has clouded our view on the promises of God. Cloudiness and blurred vision has become a reality and has been a great discouragement to the very human existence, but God’s word is true and His word tells us that when He starts something He is faithful to finish it till the end.

Philippians 1:6

6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

We want God to calm the storms in our lives, well sometimes God wants to calm the child within the storm, beloved be still and know that He is God.

1st Point “Your beginning”

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

So here we are beginning life, we are brought into this world with wonderful things in mind, and we begin to grow, we begin to realize that we have youth, we have energy, ideas, great ideas and we are told we can conquer whatever we put our minds to, and so that’s what we do, we begin to plan out our lives.

As young people we have dreams and aspirations, we have plans and want to achieve the greatest things that no one has ever come close to, some have desires to be what no one else in their family has ever been or has ever done, some have desired to be doctors, lawyers, famous, above the rest, graduating college with a masters in physics, we have dreams our vision is clear all along for the most part not really knowing God, just knowing about God.

And so we go on with life with these plans at hand but somewhere along the way something happens. We are introduced to things that begin to alter our thoughts, things that begin to taint our minds and now the dreams and aspirations we once had are no longer the goal, no longer the desire, but now those things that have begun to satisfy the flesh, boyfriends and girlfriends are now the focus, Insta-scam, and Facebook and immoral living has now taken over the innocence of a young person who once had no desire for the things that have now gripped their hearts. Sin has now grabbed their very soul and they are not aware of the culprit all they know is that this is what makes me feel good.

Sin was never in sight, this wasn’t the plan, I was never told that these things could damage my life, and so you ignore the signs and therefore you started your life in this arena and this is what I would like to continue doing, God loves me no matter what, Right? He won’t send me to hell, that’s not the God I have heard of before, right? Fools in the making, this is a reality even today. People both young and old are either making decisions that will destroy their future or there are some that are living out their decisions and wish they would have been taught and told right from the beginning. The Bible tells us that fools don’t want to understand truth they just want to be heard.

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