Days O Creation
Contributed by Paul George on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The six days of creation
Days of Creation
Genesis 1:1-31
The Lord has not left us in the dark. Through the authors of the Bible He has revealed to us the past, the present, the future, the plan of redemption, and the renewing of the relationship that existed between God and man in the Garden of Eden.
God did not create the heavens and earth because He had nothing else to do. He didn’t need them. They add nothing to His nature or character. If He didn’t need the heavens and earth why did He create them? There is a reason behind everything God does or does not do. There is purpose and logic in everything God does, has done, and will do in the future. If we want to understand God’s reason for doing something or not doing something we think He ought to do and His purpose in doing what He has done, is not doing, and will do we must examine the situation we are in and the condition of the world.
When Moses wrote the account of the creative activity of God people were asking questions. They were troubled and confused just as we are today. They knew what God had promised Abraham. Why were they enslaved and oppressed in Egypt. The situation didn’t change after Moses led them out of Egypt. They are in the wilderness. They want to know why they are where they are and what happens next. What will happen when they get to wherever it is they are going? How many times have we asked these questions?
The account of the creation is a foundation the great-great grandchildren of Jacob, the son of Isaac, and grandson of Abraham will build on when they enter the Promised Land. It is good news. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can do the impossible. He can bring into existence what never existed. He is the one true God, the strong, mighty leader, supreme Deity. He speaks and what did not exist comes into being. He is stronger than the nature deities and gods of Egypt. He is stronger than the nature deities and gods of the land they are in. He is stronger than the nature deities and gods of the land they will enter.
This is the account of the heavens and earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
“In the beginning” has no references to eternity. Eternity has no being or ending. In the beginning answers the question when someone did something and where they did it. “In the beginning God” answers the question who did something. “In the beginning God created” answers the question what God did. The question how God created the heavens and the earth is answered in the definition of the Hebrew word translated created which means to make from nothing the material from which He will use to form the universe.
In its original state the earth was formless and void. The construction of the sentence does not support the “gap theory,” an indeterminate period between verses one and two. Formless describes the condition of the earth prior to God molding the earth into its present state. Prior to the separating of the light from the darkness, the waters from the waters, and dry land from the water Void means the earth was uninhabitable.
The deep is not a reference to the mythological Babylonian monster Tiamat, as it has been alleged. It is a reference to water. In Psalm 104, a hymn of praise and a poetic parallel to Genesis 1, the psalmist portrays the Lord (Yahweh) as the One who created the heavens and earth and provided the needs of all living creatures. He has dominion over all creation and is worthy of praise. He “established the earth upon its foundations…covered it with the deep as with a garment” and at His “rebuke they fled.” Reference to “the deep” is found in Genesis 7:11: 8:2, subterranean waters, in Jonah 2:3; 2 Corinthians 11:25 the Mediterranean Sea, in Romans 10:7 the abode of the dead, in Luke 8:32; Revelation 9:1-2, 11; 20:1, the abode of evil spirits.
“The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” There are two logic reasons why the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. One, He was protecting the material God created and will use to form the earth. Two, He will participate in the creative activity of God. Why was the Holy Spirit acting as a protector? There is evidence found in the Bible to support the teaching of a revolt that occurred in heaven, the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom that was led by the arch-angel Lucifer. He was defeated and cast from the spiritual kingdom of God. However, this did not end his determination to have a kingdom, and praise that is due to his Creator. Defeated in the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom Satan turns his attention toward the earth. If he can take control of the material God will use to form the earth he can contaminate it. He is unable to do this because the Spirit of God is moving over the surface of the waters, protecting, guarding the earth.