Dancing With Those Behind The Curtain
Contributed by Gordon Brownlee on Jan 23, 2025 (message contributor)
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Without Jesus, man is a religion unto himself. His body is his temple, his soul is his doctrine and his spirit is his god. For the rest of his days he then looks to acquire converts to be made in his image.
Within the Christian journey we are called to worship our God in spirit and in truth. Within that same frame work;
We look to Jesus to provide us spiritual renewal.
We enter service gaining spiritual counsel and instruction.
And we take our place within the kingdom having gained spiritual intimacy with God.
All of these exchanges with Spirit are then able to move our physical man to accomplish great and marvelous things for God.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For this reason the believer can go anywhere in the world without the threat of darkness laying hold of them. Yet that depends on remaining in the arms of our first love.
The enemy of the Spirit is one that is rooted in natural flesh. If worldly impulses seek to lay hold of us, then we can find ourselves compromised and moved by the god of this world. Such compromise invites various forms of bondage.
Bondage of any kind is a choice we make allowing our person to be controlled or owned by other masters.
First and foremost control depends on what aspect of our person is taking a dip in the world’s Jacuzzi. We can hand over aspects of our person in body, in soul or in spirit. Yet throwing caution to the wind many simply jump in with all fours.
Secondly we can choose to support the interests of others who are themselves drenched in the world’s swirling waters. In this respect we can find ourselves having trouble coming up for air when our new found friends become our mission in life.
Thirdly and just as oppressive, bondage comes about when we swim around in someone else’s pool. When seeking to find our own way we sometimes sample what other people call “a solution”. Yet that in its own right makes us give away our authority in order to ride the wave of their questionable worldly success.
Fourthly dark waters can rise up around us at such a slow pace that we can lose our very soul and don’t actually know who stole it.
What follows in each case is a dance with the Devil and an introduction to a new temple, a new doctrine and a new god. Paul the Apostle says it like this;
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
A different spirit from the Spirit you received?
The lesson learned here is being fleshly minded gets us into trouble, yet the real stronghold is based on who then owns man’s heart. This becomes the seat of religious ownership. As long as man has a natural human spirit he is going to fill it with a power that serves his interests. In other words, all mans actions become “religious” depending on who is invited to sit on the throne of his heart.
Man’s belief, coupled with desire invites a demonic power to rule!
So how do we then get free in each case?
Freedom from any religious force is very simple in the hands of our God. We partake of principles found in salvation in order to be set free from destructive venues. What we gain from salvation is actually the only example of “Biblical deliverance” that Jesus offers us. It relies upon what He did on the Cross and a trust that the Holy Spirit can make all things new. The Cross is powerful to the pulling down of strongholds that have held us captive in physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ways. Simply said, Jesus by His Holy Spirit renews our human spirit and makes us one with Him. In that moment religion dies and our God takes His rightful seat on the throne of our hearts.
Jesus, based on what you did on the Cross and by the power of your Holy Spirit break the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual chains that hold me captive to my religious antics. (Name an activity that holds you captive)
Jesus, be the Resurrection power that makes me new.
Utilizing a simple request of God can bring transformation to our lives in countless ways. But hold on to the “temple, doctrine and god” perspective even as it applies to secular pursuits. If man is religious by virtue of his human qualities then so too are his many exploits.