
Summary: We are vulnerable to the Potholes and speed breakers on our spiritual journey. The people who are committed for full time ministry are very much inclined to fall on daily basis. There are sins of Contamination and condemnation.

Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-14

Theme: “Our Daily Spiritual struggles”


Observation from the Text:

1 Corinthians 10:1-14: Please note the following words in this passage: Not be ignorant (1), spiritual rock (4), God was not well pleased (5), lust after evil things (6), sat to eat, drink and play (7), committed fornication (8), tempted Christ, murmured (10), they are bad examples (11), God is faithful, he makes way to escape (13), you flee (14).

Paul wrote to Corinthians, “Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall”. (1 Corinthians 10:12).


We are vulnerable to the Potholes and speed breakers on our spiritual journey. The people who are committed for full time ministry are very much inclined to and going through inner and outer struggles on daily basis. There are sins of Contamination and condemnation. We will be pushed into test, temptations and needs and wants.

It’s so obvious that there are three potholes and three speed breakers: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life; dissatisfaction, discouragements, disagreements.

Bible classifies sins as THREE (Read: 1 John 2: 15-17) “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abides for ever.” People usually refer them as “wealth, women and wine”.


The temptations of Jesus had these three areas of life. He had the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of Life but he had overcame by the Word of God (Luke 4, Matthew 4). Jesus Conquered: all his temptations concerning lust of the flesh (turn stones into bread), the lust of the eyes (see the kingdoms of the world), and pride of the Life (jump from the pinnacle (pride of life) in Luke 4. Also, he has to overcome the misuse of the power for personal gains and benefits. So, Jesus said overcome the world because I have overcome (John 16:33).


Paul warned, take heed lest you fall, to the believers living at Corinth.

Any spiritual fall has never been accidental always it is incidental. Fall is artificial, engineered, manufactured, and created for a considerable time. Fall starts with enticing, nurtured and finally yielded (Read: James 1:13-15)


A glance of reading on the fallen characteristics of the Bible reveals how they were manufacturing the fall. For the lust of the flesh, think of Amnon, who engineered a sin to commit adultery with his step-sister (2 Samuel 13:6). For the Lust of the eyes, think of Eve, who had desired to taste the forbidden fruit in her thought to become like God (Genesis 3:1-2). For pride of Life, think of Lucifer, who developed a desire to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-15), Judas Iscariot was looking for an opportune time to betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-15).  They are guide-posts, danger-signals, and ensamples.


1. Lust of the Flesh / Purity struggle

The purity struggles are found in Samson, David, and Joseph.

Samson was a son of the answers to the prayers of his parents. He was a born leader. He had the anointing of God even before his birth. Samson was overconfidence about his stability and ability. He never realised the fall until he was left without the power of the Spirit. (Judges 14:1-3, 16:1; went to a Harlot (any unfaithful women to her husband is a harlot); then he loved a woman called Delilah, Judges 16:4, 16,18 - entice him, bind him, overpower him, sub due him. She pressed him hard with her words day after day urged him, vexed to death. 16:20-21 - he didn’t know that the spirit of God left him, he became a prisoner).

David was at ease while others were fighting at the battlefield. He saw Bathsheba, killed Uriah. (2 Samuel 11:1-5, walking is good for health but dangerous if eyes are roaming around. 12:5 -David became more angry and sentenced a judgement on the criminal not knowing that he was the criminal).

Joseph conquered: Potiphar’s mistress was leading Joseph to mistrust of his immediate master and heavenly Master. She kept eyeing on him for several days for sexual abuse (Genesis 39:7). Joseph submitted to the will of God. He had Godly influence (Genesis 39:2-3). He maintained business honesty (Genesis 39:5-6). He was resistant to temptation (Genesis 39:7-9). He had the divine favour (Genesis 39:21). He believed in the providential circumstances (Genesis 40:5-8). He honoured God, He was dependent upon God (Genesis 41:16, 45:8). He had the divine revelations (Genesis 41:25-36).


They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death. (Revelation 12:11). 

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